[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] RV: I18N and L10N

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Nov 24 17:19:49 EST 2003

[Jens Rantil]
> ...
> PS. When reading thrue all the messages in the user mailing list I
> find that many of the questions concerning the outlook plugin aren't
> replied.

Yup, and I blame the users <wink>.  Seriously, there's exactly one person
with a deep understanding of the Outlook plugin internals, against more than
a hundred thousand people who have downloaded it.  Mark couldn't keep up
with the stream of questions even if he were paid to work on it full-time
(and, of course, he's not paid to work on it at all -- it has to come out of
his spare time).  So users with problems are going to have to help each
other solve them.

> I would suggest adding at least a line in the FAQ on how to
> set the logging frequency and where to find the log file so that
> it can be attached to the mails.

Suggesting more work for Mark to do probably isn't going to help.  If you
think you can write FAQ entries that would help people, please do!

> Perhaps that would help a lot in solving some of the errors which
> seems to circumvent in the plugin?

Alas, quite possibly not.  From all I can tell, the plugin works fine for
the vast majority of people who install it.  The cases where it doesn't work
are the ones we hear about, and if the developers had ever seen these
failures themselves, they would already be fixed.  Most people seem able to
find the log (the troubleshooting guide already contains lots of info about
exactly where to find it); a problem is that the logs don't seem to be much
help in resolving the problems that remain.

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