[spambayes-dev] Outlook addin dead under 2.2.3

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Jul 28 22:08:03 EDT 2003

I'm at a loss to account for this new traceback, running the Outlook addin
from current CVS under Python 2.2.3:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Code\spambayes\Outlook2000\addin.py", line 1033, in OnConnection
    from spambayes.Version import get_version_string
  File "C:\Code\spambayes\spambayes\Version.py", line 108, in ?
    class MySafeConfigParser(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SafeConfigParser'

The AttributeError is correct for 2.2.3's ConfigParser module, we don't have
our own module by that name, but it doesn't appear that trying to reference
ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser here is a new thing.

On the other hand, OnConnection has been doing this import since at least
the 6th of June, so nothing new there either.

Ah, OK, Version.py changed a lot recently, but ViewCVS on SF doesn't realize
it yet.  Heh.

In better news, we expect to release Python 2.3 final tomorrow.  We (the
spambayes "we" this time) should probably remain runnable under 2.2.3.

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