[spambayes-dev] Experimental SpamBayes build available

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Dec 30 20:36:44 EST 2003

> Otherwise, did anyone else try this build?  Either for 
> Outlook or sb_server? I fear I may have "disclaimed" the 
> build a little too much, as this is the only reply I got, and 
> I see no new bugs etc.

I briefly tried it, and all seemed ok to me (Outlook XP and the others on
WinXP).  I've also been trying various experimental builds of my own (both
on the XP box and on Win98 at home).  I can't see how they would be
different to your build since it's using the same process.  (Latest CVS each

Sorry I didn't report back earlier - didn't your message say that you were
away for a couple of weeks and wouldn't be looking at anything until then?
I got a 'not urgent' impression from it :)

No bugs to report - the install has worked fine for me, and I've fixed
anything wrong I've found with the source itself.  I've made some
improvements to the documentation, too - is it sufficient for a 8.5 release,
do you think?

=Tony Meyer

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