[spambayes-dev] Reduced training test results

T. Alexander Popiel popiel at wolfskeep.com
Mon Dec 29 13:28:36 EST 2003

In message:  <16368.13462.404757.694070 at montanaro.dyndns.org>
             Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> writes:
>    Rob> T. Alexander Popiel wrote:
>    >> Training on just those messages whose score isn't 0.00 or 1.00
>    >> (rounded) seems to be a huge win over training on everything.
>    Rob> Told you:
>    Rob> See the section "Train on Errors, Unsures, and non-obvious correct 
>    Rob> decisions" at http://www.entrian.com/sbwiki/TrainingIdeas
>I think we need to split that page into multiple chunks.

Agreed.  I think that using the subpage mechanism would be good.

>Anybody got some pretty graphs to break up the text?

Several, now... though I may need to see if I can rescale them to something
less than full-page.  Hrm.

Also, a few of these training ideas are already represented by regimes for
the incremental harness... and I've got a couple more to check in.  I also
recognize that my names for the regimes are, umm, less than optimal; if
people have better names for such, please speak up.  As an example, I'm
probably going to rename the 'perfect' regime to 'TrainOnEverything'.
Suggestions for capitalization style?  Should it be TrainOnEverything,
train_on_everything, or something else?

- Alex

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