[spambayes-dev] New sort+group.py

T. Alexander Popiel popiel at wolfskeep.com
Sat Dec 27 22:32:16 EST 2003

In message:  <LNBBLJKPBEHFEDALKOLCCELFIAAB.tim.one at comcast.net>
             "Tim Peters" <tim.one at comcast.net> writes:
>>> Ah, fiddlesticks -- does someone here still give a rip about Python
>>> 2.2?
>[T. Alexander Popiel]
>> Yeah, I do.  There are no more recent versions packaged for Debian
>> stable. Sorry.  This will likely change when sarge makes it to
>> stable... but that's likely not going to happen for at least 6 months.
>Heh.  You're on a Linux system and can't upgrade a package?  Makes me glad
>I'm running Windows, where others don't dictate what I can run on my own
>machine <wink>.

Eh, it's not that I can't... it that if I do, I either have to go through
a lot of hassle to package it myself, or I have to go through a lot of
hassle to make all the packages that depend on python ignore the fact
that there's no python package listed as installed.  A pain either way.
(I _might_ be able to grab a package version out of sarge and recompile
to avoid a library-version-incompatibility cascade which would require
me to upgrade half my system to possibly broken versions... but still,
a nuisance).

>I made sort+group.py 2.2.3-friendly, far as I can tell, but since 2.3 came
>out I don't use 2.2 for anything anymore -- if I introduce more
>incompatibilities, I won't know.

*nod* I'll tell ya if you broke it for me. ;-)

- Alex

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