[spambayes-dev] RE: [Spambayes] How low can you go?

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Dec 23 20:56:19 EST 2003

[Seth Goodman]
> I understand that there are also a bunch of testing 
> frameworks/harnesses checked in and standard data sets to 
> test against, though it sounds like they don't work with 
> Outlook, which is a real pity.

You can still use all the testing tools with mail that you receive via
Outlook, though.  This is what I do, (AFAIK) what Mark does.  Look at the
export.py script in the Outlook2000 directory.

> 1) Do you recommend that I use the Outlook code base or ditch 
> the Outlook plug-in and install the sbproxy version from 
> source?

Stick with the plug-in.  sb_server's not going to give you anything helpful
in the way of testing (my experimental TestToolsUI excluded <wink>).

> 3) And finally, Skip previously suggested that I check out 
> the CVS trunk. Is that still your recommendation?


> In that case, is it possible to leave the Outlook binary
> installed for my incoming mail stream while I use 
> sb_mboxtrain.py and sb_filter.py for stored mbox testing?

Yes you can leave the binary installed.  You don't need to use sb_mboxtrain
or sb_filter if you're going to use the testing setup, though.  You're after
the scripts in the testtools directory, not the scripts one.  (If I
understand the recommendations that have been made so far).

> My system doesn't seem to have a PythonPath environment variable,
> so I would guess this is possible, so long as I can keep all
> the relevant paths different.

Just don't run "addin.py" in the Outlook2000 directory, and the plug-in
binary will keep on chugging.

> If I can have the Outlook binary and non-Outlook source
> working at the same time, is there a way to convert my
> saved Outlook mail folders to mbox format so that I _can_
> see how the changes I make work on my own mail stream as well?

export.py in the Outlook2000 directory.

Let me know if you have any troubles getting the testing setup going or
exporting the messages from Outlook.

=Tony Meyer

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