[spambayes-dev] Outlook CVS 'UserProperty' changes

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Dec 10 02:10:11 EST 2003

> So if a few of you would like to kill a few minutes <wink>, I would
> appreciate a little test - especially by Outlook XP users.

Outlook XP SP2 here.

> * For at least one of your Watched, Spam and Unsure folders:
> Re-start outlook.  The log (at any level) should show:

Sorry, I got:
Error adding field to 'Unsure' folder
NameError: global name 'PR_USERFIELDS' is not defined

I get this every time I start Outlook now, and don't have the field
available in the field chooser.

=Tony Meyer

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