[spambayes-dev] mboxutils.DirOfTxtFileMailbox - broaden its scope?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Dec 9 11:17:50 EST 2003

In mboxutils.getmbox it creates a DirOfTxtFileMailbox() object in certain
situations.  Looking at the code, it ignores any hierarchy within the given
directory, and only considers files ending in ".txt" or ".lorien".  Would
anyone object if I broaded this class's mandate to recursively traverse
subdirectories and consider all other files it encounters as message files?
This would (for example), allow you to call


in your test directory and walk through all the ham in your training
database.  I've been using this for a month or so with no ill effects,
though I have to admit I have no idea what a ".lorien" file is, so I have no
directories like that to break.  (Also, in the world outside SpamBayes, I
often add ".txt" to files which don't contain email. <wink>)


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