[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] fatal error?

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn at whidbey.com
Wed Aug 27 09:09:56 EDT 2003

I didn't follow the start of this closely, but I understand the conclusion you
have been jumping to, even though I personally run pop3proxy on a couple of
Windows machines. That C:\... reference is sort of a giveaway. But what's that
right after, they're using pTython23 as the directory? I suspect a typo, one
that Windows should be able to find with a search for files containing the
string "ptython".


Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     Tim> [Skip]
>     >> I suspect that the Outlook plugin simply makes it easier to find
>     >> problems (more users, more worm mail, more concurrent threads,
>     >> whatever).
>     Tim> Is that relevant?  I've never seen a database corruption complaint
>     Tim> from someone using the Outlook addin (did I miss one?), and I
>     Tim> deliberately switched my 3 classifiers to Berkeley in order to try
>     Tim> to provoke one.  No luck.  IIRC, Mark has never seen this either.
> I guess I was mistaken.  Sorry about that.
>     Tim> If so, the OP was running on Windows, but was almost certainly not
>     Tim> using the Outlook addin:
>     Tim>    Now I'm getting an error message in the email my
>     Tim>    headers: X-Spambayes-Exception: bsddb._DBRunRecoveryError
>     Tim>    ((-30982, 'DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery --
>     Tim>    fatal region error detected; run recovery')) in __getitem__() at
>     Tim>    C:\PTYTHON23\lib\bsddb\__init.py line 86: return self.db[key]
>     Tim> The Outlook addin never inserts email headers, so I don't believe
>     Tim> that fellow's problem had anything to do with the addin.
> I have this bad habit of jumping to the conclusion that the user was running
> the Outlook plugin if a traceback is posted which includes "C:\...".  This
> would have then been an error in pop3proxy I guess.
>     >> I think the same (or a similar) problem would exist were two
>     >> instances of hammiefilter running at the same time, both trying to
>     >> update the file.  I'm just fortunate enough to have never encountered
>     >> that problem.  Even using a pickle, you really ought to use some sort
>     >> of lock protocol when reading or writing the pickle file if there's
>     >> any chance of concurrent access by another process or thread.  That
>     >> you only read it at the beginning and write it at the end only limits
>     >> the opportunity for collision.
>     Tim> Python dicts are safe for multiple-reader single-writer access
>     Tim> without explicit synchronization, and per-access locks are so
>     Tim> bloody expensive that I don't want to change anything in the
>     Tim> absence of proof that there's a problem that can't be wormed around
>     Tim> more cheaply.  To date, I don't believe we've seen any report of
>     Tim> corruption via the Outlook addin, which suggests it's doing
>     Tim> something right <wink>.
>     Skip> ... Startup time is dramatically different:
>     Tim> Of course.
>     [ times elided ]
>     >> This is not to imply that my huge database is typical or that my
>     >> usage of hammiefilter is either.
>     Tim> I don't know about hammiefilter (haven't used it).
> My only reason for referring to hammiefilter is that its runtime is
> dominated by startup and shutdown costs, since all it does is train on or
> score a single message.  That makes the pickle/dict solution painfully slow.
> Were it not for the presence of one-shot apps like hammiefilter, we could
> probably just use a pickle for storage and be done with it.
> Skip
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