[spambayes-dev] SF rankings...

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Sat Aug 16 13:44:52 EDT 2003

[Anthony Baxter]
> Well, in the week since the outlook addin was moved to SF,
> the spambayes project's gone from 97th to 14th in the rankings.
> (The 11th of August saw 2,068 downloads!)

It's at #7 now.

> (Is it worth changing the project title from
> "Bayesian anti-spam classifier" to something more
> descriptive?)

Harmonic convergence!  I did that before seeing your email -- see my later

> 2068-times-$0-is-still-$0-sorry-mark,

Don't feel too badly for Mark -- I have it on good authority that his is now
the most widely recognized face in Australia.  It's not from the photograph
that ran in the Aussie press, it's actually from the "Delete As Spam" frowny
face icon in the OL addin <wink>.

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