[spambayes-dev] Addition to Outlook FAQ

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Aug 14 15:59:25 EDT 2003

> Everything seemed to be working correctly, the
> spam just would not move to the Spam folder.  
> After much fiddling I realized the obvious... 
> My Spam folder was full.   I did not bother to
> count, but deleting a few hundred got SpamBayes
> going again.  I now auto-archive my spam folder.
> The limit seems to be 16,384.

Interestingly, Mark just checked in a comment about this (maybe someone
else ran into this and reported it to him).

Mark - do we add this to the FAQ, or do you want to put in some sort of
dialog to pop up when this happens, explaining the problem?

=Tony Meyer

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