[spambayes-dev] RE: [Spambayes] Training good messages has no effect

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Aug 12 15:29:46 EDT 2003

> What about my suggestion that we make installing Version.cfg separate
> from making all?  So a "make install" *doesn't* install 
> Version.cfg, and
> a "make version install" command is necessary?
> I can see this accidentally happening all the time...

I agree 100%.  Feel free to beat me too it :)  I'd be happy with a single
target, say 'version' that also did the install.  Indeed, I would be
surprised if you can convince 'make' to work so that "make version install"
updates version.cfg, but neither "make version" nor "make install" do.

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