[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes XMLRPCPlugin.py,1.2,1.3

Skip Montanaro montanaro at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jul 15 01:13:14 CEST 2007

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs8.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv31847/spambayes

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Add train and train_mime methods to the XML-RPC plugin.  These come from
Marian Neagul.

Index: XMLRPCPlugin.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/XMLRPCPlugin.py,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** XMLRPCPlugin.py	10 Jun 2007 15:27:36 -0000	1.2
--- XMLRPCPlugin.py	14 Jul 2007 23:13:09 -0000	1.3
*** 37,40 ****
--- 37,47 ----
+ __author__ = "Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com>"
+ __credits__ = "All the Spambayes folk."
+ # This module is part of the spambayes project, which is Copyright 2002 The
+ # Python Software Foundation and is covered by the Python Software
+ # Foundation license.
  import threading
  import xmlrpclib
*** 70,82 ****
      def _dispatch(self, method, params):
!         if method in ("score", "score_mime"):
              return getattr(self, method)(*params)
              raise xmlrpclib.Fault(404, '"%s" is not supported' % method)
      def score(self, form_dict, extra_tokens, attachments):
          """Score a dictionary + extra tokens."""
!         mime_message = form_to_mime(form_dict, extra_tokens, attachments)
!         mime_message = unicode(mime_message).encode("utf-8")
          return self.score_mime(mime_message, "utf-8")
--- 77,170 ----
      def _dispatch(self, method, params):
!         if method in ("score", "score_mime", "train", "train_mime"):
              return getattr(self, method)(*params)
              raise xmlrpclib.Fault(404, '"%s" is not supported' % method)
+     def train(self, form_dict, extra_tokens, attachments, is_spam=True):
+         newdict={}
+         for (i, k) in form_dict.items():
+             if type(k)==unicode:
+                 k = k.encode("utf-8")
+             newdict[i] = k
+         mime_message = form_to_mime(newdict, extra_tokens, attachments)
+         mime_message = unicode(mime_message.as_string(), "utf-8").encode("utf-8")
+         self.train_mime(mime_message, "utf-8", is_spam)
+         return ""
+     def train_mime(self, msg_text, encoding, is_spam):
+         if self.state.bayes is None:
+             self.state.create_workers()
+         # Get msg_text into canonical string representation.
+         # Make sure we have a unicode object...
+         if isinstance(msg_text, str):
+             msg_text = unicode(msg_text, encoding)
+         # ... then encode it as utf-8.
+         if isinstance(msg_text, unicode):
+             msg_text = msg_text.encode("utf-8")
+         msg = message_from_string(msg_text,
+                                   _class=spambayes.message.SBHeaderMessage)
+         tokens = tokenize(msg)
+         if is_spam:
+             desired_corpus = "spamCorpus"
+         else:
+             desired_corpus = "hamCorpus"
+         if hasattr(self, desired_corpus):
+             corpus = getattr(self, desired_corpus)
+         else:
+             if hasattr(self, "state"):
+                 corpus = getattr(self.state, desired_corpus)
+                 setattr(self, desired_corpus, corpus)
+                 self.msg_name_func = self.state.getNewMessageName
+             else:
+                 if isSpam:
+                     fn = storage.get_pathname_option("Storage",
+                                                      "spam_cache")
+                 else:
+                     fn = storage.get_pathname_option("Storage",
+                                                      "ham_cache")
+                 storage.ensureDir(fn)
+                 if options["Storage", "cache_use_gzip"]:
+                     factory = FileCorpus.GzipFileMessageFactory()
+                 else:
+                     factory = FileCorpus.FileMessageFactory()
+                 age = options["Storage", "cache_expiry_days"]*24*60*60
+                 corpus = FileCorpus.ExpiryFileCorpus(age, factory, fn,
+                                                      '[0123456789\-]*', cacheSize=20)
+                 setattr(self, desired_corpus, corpus)
+                 class UniqueNamer(object):
+                     count = -1
+                     def generate_name(self):
+                         self.count += 1
+                         return "%10.10d-%d" % (long(time.time()), self.count)
+                 Namer = UniqueNamer()
+                 self.msg_name_func = Namer.generate_name
+         key = self.msg_name_func()
+         mime_message = unicode(msg.as_string(), "utf-8").encode("utf-8")
+         msg = corpus.makeMessage(key, mime_message)
+         msg.setId(key)
+         corpus.addMessage(msg)
+         msg.RememberTrained(is_spam)
+         #self.stats.RecordTraining(not is_spam)
+         #if is_spam:
+         #    self.state.bayes.nspam += 1
+         #else:
+         #    self.state.bayes.nham += 1
+     def train_spam(self, form_dict, extra_tokens, attachments):
+         pass
+     def train_ham(self, form_dict, extra_tokens, attachments):
+         pass
      def score(self, form_dict, extra_tokens, attachments):
          """Score a dictionary + extra tokens."""
!         newdict={}
!         for (i, k) in form_dict.items():
!             if isinstance(k,unicode):
!                 k = k.encode("utf-8")
!             newdict[i] = k
!         mime_message = form_to_mime(newdict, extra_tokens, attachments)
!         mime_message = unicode(mime_message.as_string(), "utf-8").encode("utf-8")
          return self.score_mime(mime_message, "utf-8")

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