[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes MoinSecurityPolicy.py, NONE, 1.1

Skip Montanaro montanaro at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jan 29 05:18:46 CET 2007

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs8.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17517

Added Files:
Log Message:
This doesn't work but I need to check it in to establish a baseline.  The
SpamBayes parts of things seem to work (though I just muddled with the
spam_db location - that needs testing).  The fundamental problems are in the
MoinMoin interface (as I knew they would be).

--- NEW FILE: MoinSecurityPolicy.py ---
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-

This module implements a security policy for MoinMoin based on the SpamBayes
classifier.  To use it, import it like so in your wikiconfig.py file:

    from spambayes.MoinSecurityPolicy import SecurityPolicy

Two pages are special, HamPages and SpamPages.  Each refers to a specific
revision of the raw version of particulars wiki pages.  When either of these
pages is updated the SpamBayes database is rebuilt based on the pages they
reference.  When any other page is updated it is scored against the current
database.  If its score is <= SecurityPolicy.ham_cutoff the edit is
accepted.  If not, the page edit is accepted but reverted and a reference to
the reverted page revision is mailed to the members of the AdminGroup for
review.  If it is only possibly spam (score between
SecurityPolicy.ham_cutoff and SecurityPolicy.spam_cutoff) the recipients are
instructed to add it to either HamPages or SpamPages as appropriate.  If it
is truly spam (score >= SecurityPolicy.spam_cutoff), the recipients are
instructed to add it to HamPages if it is actually okay, but to simply
discard it otherwise.

The HamPages and SpamPages pages are formatted as any other *Group page, a
top-level list forms a group while everything else is ignored.

The ham_cutoff, spam_cutoff and spam_db attributes are defined at the class
level to make it easy for the user to change their values.  The defaults are:

    ham_cutoff		0.15
    spam_cutoff		0.60
    spam_db		'spam.db'

The spam_db attribute should always be a relative path (should not start
with '/').  When relative it will be taken relative to the directory
containing the event-log file.

import os
import atexit
import urllib
import urlparse

from MoinMoin.security import Permissions
from MoinMoin.wikidicts import Group
from MoinMoin.user import User, getUserId
from MoinMoin.util.mail import sendmail
from MoinMoin.Page import Page
from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor

from spambayes import hammie, storage
from spambayes.tokenizer import log2, Tokenizer, numeric_entity_re, \
     numeric_entity_replacer, crack_urls, breaking_entity_re, html_re, \

class SecurityPolicy(Permissions):
    ham_cutoff = 0.15
    spam_cutoff = 0.60
    spam_db = "spam.db"

    def __init__(self, user):
        Permissions.__init__(self, user)
        self.sbayes = None

    def open_spamdb(self, request):
        if self.sbayes is None:
            event_log = request.rootpage.getPagePath('event-log', isfile=1)
            spam_db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(event_log, self.spam_db))
            self.sbayes = Hammie(storage.open_storage(spam_db, "pickle", 'c'))

    def close_spamdb(self):
        if self.sbayes is not None:
            self.sbayes = None

    def retrain(self, request):
        if os.path.exists(self.spam_db):
        nham = nspam = 0
        for url in Group(request, "HamPages").members():
            scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
            rev = 0
            for pair in query.split("&"):
                key, val = pair.split("=")
                if key == "rev":
                    raw = int(val)
            pg = Page(request, path[1:], rev=rev)
            nham += 1
        for url in Group(request, "SpamPages").members():
            scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
            rev = 0
            for pair in query.split("&"):
                key, val = pair.split("=")
                if key == "rev":
                    raw = int(val)
            pg = Page(request, path[1:], rev=rev)
            nspam += 1
        return (nham, nspam)

    def save(self, editor, newtext, rev, **kw):
        score = self.sbayes.score(newtext)
        save_result = Permissions.save(self, editor, newtext, rev, **kw)

        if save_result and editor.page_name in ("HamPages", "SpamPages"):
            return save_result

        if score < self.ham_cutoff:
            # File checks out spamwise.  Return the default save result.
            return save_result

        if not save_result:
            return save_result

        # Now the fun begins.  We scored the page and found that it is
        # either possible or probable spam.  However, we saved it.  (We
        # wanted to do that so we would have a copy to score later.)  We
        # need to revert the save and send the URL of the suspect page
        # to the users in AdminGroup.  To make matters worse, the user
        # may have write permission but not revert permission.  So we
        # have to force the reversion.  That requires a bit of
        # cut-n-paste from wikiaction.do_revert.
        self.force_revert(editor.page_name, editor.request)
##        self.mail_admins_about(editor.request, editor.page_name, score)

    def force_revert(self, pagename, request):
        from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor
        rev = int(request.form['rev'][0])
        revstr = '%08d' % rev
        oldpg = Page(request, pagename, rev=rev)
        pg = PageEditor(request, pagename)
        _ = request.getText
        msg = _("Thank you for your changes. Your attention to detail is appreciated.")
        except pg.SaveError, msg:
        # msg contain a unicode string
        savemsg = unicode(msg)
        pg.send_page(request, msg=savemsg)
        return None

    def mail_admins_about(self, request, page_name, score):
        """Send email to the AdminGroup about a suspect page."""

        # This does not yet work.  I've yet to figure out how to extract the
        # email addresses of the members of the AdminGroup.

        admin_text = Page(request, "AdminGroup").get_raw_body()
        group = Group(request, admin_text)
        emails = []
        for name in group.members():
            uid = getUserId(request, name)
            if uid is None:
            u = User(request, uid)
        if score < self.spam_cutoff:
            subject = "Possible wiki spam"
            text = """\
This page as submitted to the wiki might be spam:


If that is not the case, add the page's URL (including action=raw and the
revision number) to HamPages then revert the page to that revision.  If it
is spam, add it instead to SpamPages.
""" % locals()
            subject = "Probable wiki spam"
            text = """\
This page as submitted to the wiki is likely to be spam:


If that is not the case, add the page's URL (including action=raw and the
revision number) to HamPages then revert the page to that revision.  If it
is spam, do nothing.
""" % locals()
        sendmail(request, emails, subject, text)

class Tokenizer(Tokenizer):
    def tokenize(self, text):
        """Tokenize a chunk of text.

        Pulled mostly verbatim from the SpamBayes code.

        maxword = 20
        # Replace numeric character entities (like &#97; for the letter
        # 'a').
        text = numeric_entity_re.sub(numeric_entity_replacer, text)

        # Crack open URLs and extract useful bits of marrow...
        for cracker in (crack_urls,):
            text, tokens = cracker(text)
            for t in tokens:
                yield t

        # Remove HTML/XML tags.  Also &nbsp;.  <br> and <p> tags should
        # create a space too.
        text = breaking_entity_re.sub(' ', text)
        # It's important to eliminate HTML tags rather than, e.g.,
        # replace them with a blank (as this code used to do), else
        # simple tricks like
        #    Wr<!$FS|i|R3$s80sA >inkle Reduc<!$FS|i|R3$s80sA >tion
        # can be used to disguise words.  <br> and <p> were special-
        # cased just above (because browsers break text on those,
        # they can't be used to hide words effectively).
        text = html_re.sub('', text)

        # Tokenize everything in the body.
        for w in text.split():
            n = len(w)
            # Make sure this range matches in tokenize_word().
            if 3 <= n <= maxword:
                yield w

            elif n >= 3:
                for t in tokenize_word(w):
                    yield t

class Hammie(hammie.Hammie):
    def __init__(self, bayes):
        hammie.Hammie.__init__(self, bayes)
        self.tokenizer = Tokenizer()

    def _scoremsg(self, msg, evidence=False):
        return self.bayes.spamprob(self.tokenizer.tokenize(msg), evidence)

    def train(self, msg, is_spam, add_header=False):
        self.bayes.learn(self.tokenizer.tokenize(msg), is_spam)

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