[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/windows spambayes.iss,1.24,1.25

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Nov 27 01:42:19 CET 2005

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/windows
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv3128/windows

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Create a little utility to convert the database from dbm to ZODB, install it, and
 offer to run it on install.

Index: spambayes.iss
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/windows/spambayes.iss,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** spambayes.iss	7 Apr 2005 04:24:50 -0000	1.24
--- spambayes.iss	27 Nov 2005 00:42:11 -0000	1.25
*** 49,52 ****
--- 49,54 ----
  Source: "py2exe\dist\bin\sb_imapfilter.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin"; Check: InstallingIMAP; Flags: ignoreversion
+ Source: "py2exe\dist\bin\convert_database.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin"; Flags: ignoreversion
  ; There is a problem attempting to get Inno to unregister our DLL.  If we mark our DLL
  ; as 'regserver', it installs and registers OK, but at uninstall time, it unregisters
*** 66,69 ****
--- 68,72 ----
+ FileName:"{app}\bin\convert_database.exe"; Description: "Convert the database from 1.0 to 1.1"; Flags: postinstall skipifdoesntexist; Check: ConvertDatabase
  FileName:"{app}\bin\sb_tray.exe"; Description: "Start the server now"; Flags: postinstall skipifdoesntexist nowait; Check: InstallingProxy
*** 118,121 ****
--- 121,128 ----
    Result := startup_imap;
+ function ConvertDatabase() : Boolean;
+ begin
+   Result := convert_db;
+ end;
  function IsOutlookInstalled() : Boolean;
*** 180,183 ****
--- 187,191 ----
      allusers := False;
      startup_imap := False;
+     convert_db := False;
*** 225,229 ****
    { Validate certain pages before allowing the user to proceed }
    if CurPageID = TasksPage.ID then begin
!     I := 0;
      if InstallOutlook then begin
        allusers := TasksPage.Values[I];
--- 233,238 ----
    { Validate certain pages before allowing the user to proceed }
    if CurPageID = TasksPage.ID then begin
!     convert_db := TasksPage.Values[0];
!     I := 1;
      if InstallOutlook then begin
        allusers := TasksPage.Values[I];
*** 282,285 ****
--- 291,296 ----
        'Select the components you would like Setup to perform while installing SpamBayes, then click Next.',
        False, False);
+     TasksPage.Add('Convert 1.0 database to 1.1 format');
+     TasksPage.Values[0] := True;
      if InstallOutlook then
        TasksPage.Add('Register add-in for all users');
*** 310,313 ****
--- 321,325 ----
    S := S + 'Additional Tasks:' + NewLine;
+   if convert_db then S := S + Space + 'Convert database from 1.0 to 1.1 format' + NewLine
    if startup then S := S + Space + 'Run Proxy on Startup' + NewLine
    if desktop then S := S + Space + 'Install Proxy Desktop Icon' + NewLine

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