[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/scripts sb_server.py,1.29,1.30

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 29 01:11:50 CET 2004

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/scripts
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6041/scripts

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix error reported by Hatuka*nezumi:

Messages that did not have the required \r?\n\r?\n separator would just pass through
 spambayes unproxied.  Change this so that they are (everything will be a header,
 though, so it may not proxy well, and might generate and exception header - but that's
 better than just letting it through.

Index: sb_server.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/scripts/sb_server.py,v
retrieving revision 1.29
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -C2 -d -r1.29 -r1.30
*** sb_server.py	23 Nov 2004 23:37:15 -0000	1.29
--- sb_server.py	29 Nov 2004 00:11:46 -0000	1.30
*** 457,566 ****
          """Adds the judgement header based on the raw headers and body
          of the message."""
!         # Use '\n\r?\n' to detect the end of the headers in case of
!         # broken emails that don't use the proper line separators.
!         if re.search(r'\n\r?\n', response):
!             # Remove the trailing .\r\n before passing to the email parser.
!             # Thanks to Scott Schlesier for this fix.
!             terminatingDotPresent = (response[-4:] == '\n.\r\n')
!             if terminatingDotPresent:
!                 response = response[:-3]
!             # Break off the first line, which will be '+OK'.
!             ok, messageText = response.split('\n', 1)
!             try:
!                 msg = email.message_from_string(messageText,
!                           _class=spambayes.message.SBHeaderMessage)
!                 msg.setId(state.getNewMessageName())
!                 # Now find the spam disposition and add the header.
!                 (prob, clues) = state.bayes.spamprob(msg.tokenize(),\
!                                  evidence=True)
!                 msg.addSBHeaders(prob, clues)
!                 # Check for "RETR" or "TOP N 99999999" - fetchmail without
!                 # the 'fetchall' option uses the latter to retrieve messages.
!                 if (command == 'RETR' or
!                     (command == 'TOP' and
!                      len(args) == 2 and args[1] == '99999999')):
!                     cls = msg.GetClassification()
!                     if cls == options["Headers", "header_ham_string"]:
!                         state.numHams += 1
!                     elif cls == options["Headers", "header_spam_string"]:
!                         state.numSpams += 1
!                     else:
!                         state.numUnsure += 1
!                     # Suppress caching of "Precedence: bulk" or
!                     # "Precedence: list" ham if the options say so.
!                     isSuppressedBulkHam = \
!                         (cls == options["Headers", "header_ham_string"] and
!                          options["Storage", "no_cache_bulk_ham"] and
!                          msg.get('precedence') in ['bulk', 'list'])
!                     # Suppress large messages if the options say so.
!                     size_limit = options["Storage",
!                                          "no_cache_large_messages"]
!                     isTooBig = size_limit > 0 and \
!                                len(messageText) > size_limit
!                     # Cache the message.  Don't pollute the cache with test
!                     # messages or suppressed bulk ham.
!                     if (not state.isTest and
!                         options["Storage", "cache_messages"] and
!                         not isSuppressedBulkHam and not isTooBig):
!                         # Write the message into the Unknown cache.
!                         makeMessage = state.unknownCorpus.makeMessage
!                         message = makeMessage(msg.getId(), msg.as_string())
!                         state.unknownCorpus.addMessage(message)
!                 # We'll return the message with the headers added.  We take
!                 # all the headers from the SBHeaderMessage, but take the body
!                 # directly from the POP3 conversation, because the
!                 # SBHeaderMessage might have "fixed" a partial message by
!                 # appending a closing boundary separator.  Remember we can
!                 # be dealing with partial message here because of the timeout
!                 # code in onServerLine.
!                 headers = []
!                 for name, value in msg.items():
!                     header = "%s: %s" % (name, value)
!                     headers.append(re.sub(r'\r?\n', '\r\n', header))
                  body = re.split(r'\n\r?\n', messageText, 1)[1]
                  messageText = "\r\n".join(headers) + "\r\n\r\n" + body
!             except:
!                 # Something nasty happened while parsing or classifying -
!                 # report the exception in a hand-appended header and recover.
!                 # This is one case where an unqualified 'except' is OK, 'cos
!                 # anything's better than destroying people's email...
!                 stream = cStringIO.StringIO()
!                 traceback.print_exc(None, stream)
!                 details = stream.getvalue()
!                 # Build the header.  This will strip leading whitespace from
!                 # the lines, so we add a leading dot to maintain indentation.
!                 detailLines = details.strip().split('\n')
!                 dottedDetails = '\n.'.join(detailLines)
!                 headerName = 'X-Spambayes-Exception'
!                 header = Header(dottedDetails, header_name=headerName)
!                 # Insert the header, converting email.Header's '\n' line
!                 # breaks to POP3's '\r\n'.
!                 headers, body = re.split(r'\n\r?\n', messageText, 1)
!                 header = re.sub(r'\r?\n', '\r\n', str(header))
!                 headers += "\n%s: %s\r\n\r\n" % (headerName, header)
!                 messageText = headers + body
!                 # Print the exception and a traceback.
!                 print >>sys.stderr, details
!             # Restore the +OK and the POP3 .\r\n terminator if there was one.
!             retval = ok + "\n" + messageText
!             if terminatingDotPresent:
!                 retval += '.\r\n'
!             return retval
!         else:
!             # Must be an error response.
!             return response
      def onTop(self, command, args, response):
--- 457,578 ----
          """Adds the judgement header based on the raw headers and body
          of the message."""
!         # Previously, we used '\n\r?\n' to detect the end of the headers in
!         # case of broken emails that don't use the proper line separators,
!         # and if we couldn't find it, then we assumed that the response was
!         # and error response and passed it unfiltered.  However, if the
!         # message doesn't contain the separator (malformed mail), then this
!         # would mean the message was passed straight through the proxy.
!         # Since all the content is then in the headers, this probably
!         # doesn't do a spammer much good, but, just in case, we now just
!         # check for "+OK" and assume no error response will be given if
!         # that is (which seems reasonable).
!         # Remove the trailing .\r\n before passing to the email parser.
!         # Thanks to Scott Schlesier for this fix.
!         terminatingDotPresent = (response[-4:] == '\n.\r\n')
!         if terminatingDotPresent:
!             response = response[:-3]
!         # Break off the first line, which will be '+OK'.
!         ok, messageText = response.split('\n', 1)
!         if ok.strip().upper() != "+OK":
!             # Must be an error response.  Return unproxied.
!             return response
!         try:
!             msg = email.message_from_string(messageText,
!                       _class=spambayes.message.SBHeaderMessage)
!             msg.setId(state.getNewMessageName())
!             # Now find the spam disposition and add the header.
!             (prob, clues) = state.bayes.spamprob(msg.tokenize(),\
!                              evidence=True)
!             msg.addSBHeaders(prob, clues)
!             # Check for "RETR" or "TOP N 99999999" - fetchmail without
!             # the 'fetchall' option uses the latter to retrieve messages.
!             if (command == 'RETR' or
!                 (command == 'TOP' and
!                  len(args) == 2 and args[1] == '99999999')):
!                 cls = msg.GetClassification()
!                 if cls == options["Headers", "header_ham_string"]:
!                     state.numHams += 1
!                 elif cls == options["Headers", "header_spam_string"]:
!                     state.numSpams += 1
!                 else:
!                     state.numUnsure += 1
!                 # Suppress caching of "Precedence: bulk" or
!                 # "Precedence: list" ham if the options say so.
!                 isSuppressedBulkHam = \
!                     (cls == options["Headers", "header_ham_string"] and
!                      options["Storage", "no_cache_bulk_ham"] and
!                      msg.get('precedence') in ['bulk', 'list'])
!                 # Suppress large messages if the options say so.
!                 size_limit = options["Storage",
!                                      "no_cache_large_messages"]
!                 isTooBig = size_limit > 0 and \
!                            len(messageText) > size_limit
!                 # Cache the message.  Don't pollute the cache with test
!                 # messages or suppressed bulk ham.
!                 if (not state.isTest and
!                     options["Storage", "cache_messages"] and
!                     not isSuppressedBulkHam and not isTooBig):
!                     # Write the message into the Unknown cache.
!                     makeMessage = state.unknownCorpus.makeMessage
!                     message = makeMessage(msg.getId(), msg.as_string())
!                     state.unknownCorpus.addMessage(message)
!             # We'll return the message with the headers added.  We take
!             # all the headers from the SBHeaderMessage, but take the body
!             # directly from the POP3 conversation, because the
!             # SBHeaderMessage might have "fixed" a partial message by
!             # appending a closing boundary separator.  Remember we can
!             # be dealing with partial message here because of the timeout
!             # code in onServerLine.
!             headers = []
!             for name, value in msg.items():
!                 header = "%s: %s" % (name, value)
!                 headers.append(re.sub(r'\r?\n', '\r\n', header))
!             try:
                  body = re.split(r'\n\r?\n', messageText, 1)[1]
+             except IndexError:
+                 # No separator, so no body.  Bad message, but proxy it
+                 # through anyway (adding the missing separator).
+                 messageText = "\r\n".join(headers) + "\r\n\r\n"
+             else:
                  messageText = "\r\n".join(headers) + "\r\n\r\n" + body
!         except:
!             # Something nasty happened while parsing or classifying -
!             # report the exception in a hand-appended header and recover.
!             # This is one case where an unqualified 'except' is OK, 'cos
!             # anything's better than destroying people's email...
!             stream = cStringIO.StringIO()
!             traceback.print_exc(None, stream)
!             details = stream.getvalue()
!             # Build the header.  This will strip leading whitespace from
!             # the lines, so we add a leading dot to maintain indentation.
!             detailLines = details.strip().split('\n')
!             dottedDetails = '\n.'.join(detailLines)
!             headerName = 'X-Spambayes-Exception'
!             header = Header(dottedDetails, header_name=headerName)
!             # Insert the header, converting email.Header's '\n' line
!             # breaks to POP3's '\r\n'.
!             headers, body = re.split(r'\n\r?\n', messageText, 1)
!             header = re.sub(r'\r?\n', '\r\n', str(header))
!             headers += "\n%s: %s\r\n\r\n" % (headerName, header)
!             messageText = headers + body
!             # Print the exception and a traceback.
!             print >>sys.stderr, details
!         # Restore the +OK and the POP3 .\r\n terminator if there was one.
!         retval = ok + "\n" + messageText
!         if terminatingDotPresent:
!             retval += '.\r\n'
!         return retval
      def onTop(self, command, args, response):
*** 656,659 ****
--- 668,672 ----
          if options["globals", "verbose"]:
              self.logFile = open('_pop3proxy.log', 'wb', 0)
          self.servers = []
          self.proxyPorts = []

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