[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes classifier.py,1.28,1.29

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Nov 3 02:15:07 CET 2004

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20461/spambayes

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix [ 922063 ] Intermittent sb_filter.py faliure with URL pickle

This is still ugly experimental code, but it might as well be robust ugly experimental
 code <wink>.  If something goes wrong loading the URL pickles, start with fresh ones
 (they are only caches, so that shouldn't hurt).  When saving, save to a temp file

Index: classifier.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/classifier.py,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -C2 -d -r1.28 -r1.29
*** classifier.py	29 Oct 2004 00:14:42 -0000	1.28
--- classifier.py	3 Nov 2004 01:15:04 -0000	1.29
*** 617,621 ****
          if os.path.exists(self.bad_url_cache_name):
              b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "r")
!             self.bad_urls = pickle.load(b_file)
--- 617,630 ----
          if os.path.exists(self.bad_url_cache_name):
              b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "r")
!             try:
!                 self.bad_urls = pickle.load(b_file)
!             except IOError, ValueError:
!                 # Something went wrong loading it (bad pickle,
!                 # probably).  Start afresh.
!                 if options["globals", "verbose"]:
!                     print >>sys.stderr, "Bad URL pickle, using new."
!                 self.bad_urls = {"url:non_resolving": (),
!                                  "url:non_html": (),
!                                  "url:unknown_error": ()}
*** 627,631 ****
          if os.path.exists(self.http_error_cache_name):
              h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "r")
!             self.http_error_urls = pickle.load(h_file)
--- 636,647 ----
          if os.path.exists(self.http_error_cache_name):
              h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "r")
!             try:
!                 self.http_error_urls = pickle.load(h_file)
!             except IOError, ValueError:
!                 # Something went wrong loading it (bad pickle,
!                 # probably).  Start afresh.
!                 if options["globals", "verbose"]:
!                     print >>sys.stderr, "Bad HHTP error pickle, using new."
!                 self.http_error_urls = {}
*** 636,645 ****
          # XXX be a good thing long-term (if a previously invalid URL
          # XXX becomes valid, for example).
!         b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "w")
!         pickle.dump(self.bad_urls, b_file)
!         b_file.close()
!         h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "w")
!         pickle.dump(self.http_error_urls, h_file)
!         h_file.close()
      def slurp(self, proto, url):
--- 652,668 ----
          # XXX be a good thing long-term (if a previously invalid URL
          # XXX becomes valid, for example).
!         for name, data in [(self.bad_url_cache_name, self.bad_urls),
!                            (self.http_error_cache_name, self.http_error_urls),]:
!             # Save to a temp file first, in case something goes wrong.
!             cache = open(name + ".tmp", "w")
!             pickle.dump(data, cache)
!             cache.close()
!             try:
!                 os.rename(name + ".tmp", name)
!             except OSError:
!                 # Atomic replace isn't possible with win32, so just
!                 # remove and rename.
!                 os.remove(name)
!                 os.rename(name + ".tmp", name)
      def slurp(self, proto, url):

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