[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes/test test_storage.py, 1.6, 1.7

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Dec 8 03:02:35 CET 2004

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/test
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10490/spambayes/test

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add a simple store and load test.

Add a test to check that nham and nspam are correctly adjusted.

Simplify tearDown.

Replace a convoluted sys.stderr redirection with assertRaises.

Add cases for ZODBClassifier and CDBClassifier.

Skip the dbm tests if no dbm modules are available, and skip the ZODB tests if ZODB
 is not available (informing the user in each case).

Index: test_storage.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/test/test_storage.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** test_storage.py	9 Jul 2004 03:24:48 -0000	1.6
--- test_storage.py	8 Dec 2004 02:02:32 -0000	1.7
*** 8,11 ****
--- 8,12 ----
+ from spambayes.storage import ZODBClassifier, CDBClassifier
  from spambayes.storage import DBDictClassifier, PickledClassifier
*** 19,26 ****
--- 20,68 ----
      def tearDown(self):
+         self.classifier.close()
          self.classifier = None
          if os.path.isfile(self.db_name):
+     def testLoadAndStore(self):
+         # Simple test to verify that putting data in the db, storing and
+         # then loading gives back the same data.
+         c = self.classifier
+         c.learn(["some", "simple", "tokens"], True)
+         c.learn(["some", "other"], False)
+         c.learn(["ones"], False)
+         c.store()
+         c.close()
+         del self.classifier
+         self.classifier = self.StorageClass(self.db_name)
+         self._checkAllWordCounts((("some", 1, 1),
+                                   ("simple", 0, 1),
+                                   ("tokens", 0, 1),
+                                   ("other", 1, 0),
+                                   ("ones", 1, 0)), False)
+         self.assertEqual(self.classifier.nham, 2)
+         self.assertEqual(self.classifier.nspam, 1)
+     def testCounts(self):
+         # Check that nham and nspam are correctedly adjusted.
+         c = self.classifier
+         count = 30
+         for i in xrange(count):
+             c.learn(["tony"], True)
+             self.assertEqual(c.nspam, i+1)
+             self.assertEqual(c.nham, 0)
+         for i in xrange(count):
+             c.learn(["tony"], False)
+             self.assertEqual(c.nham, i+1)
+             self.assertEqual(c.nspam, count)
+         for i in xrange(count):
+             c.unlearn(["tony"], True)
+             self.assertEqual(c.nham, count)
+             self.assertEqual(c.nspam, count-i-1)
+         for i in xrange(count):
+             c.unlearn(["tony"], False)
+             self.assertEqual(c.nham, count-i-1)
+             self.assertEqual(c.nspam, 0)
      def _checkWordCounts(self, word, expected_ham, expected_spam):
          assert word
*** 131,138 ****
      StorageClass = DBDictClassifier
-     def tearDown(self):
-         self.classifier.db.close()
-         _StorageTestBase.tearDown(self)
      def _fail_open_best(self, *args):
          from spambayes import dbmstorage
--- 173,176 ----
*** 146,172 ****
          DBDictClassifier_load = DBDictClassifier.load
          DBDictClassifier.load = self._fail_open_best
!         # Redirect sys.stderr, as open_storage() prints a msg to stderr.
!         # Then it does sys.exit(), which we catch.
!         sys_stderr = sys.stderr
!         sys.stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
!             try:
!                 open_storage(db_name, "dbm")
!             except SystemExit:
!                 pass
!             else:
!                 self.fail("expected SystemExit from open_storage() call")
              DBDictClassifier.load = DBDictClassifier_load
-             sys.stderr = sys_stderr
          if os.path.isfile(db_name):
  def suite():
      suite = unittest.TestSuite()
!     for cls in (PickleStorageTestCase,
!                 DBStorageTestCase,
!                ):
      return suite
--- 184,236 ----
          DBDictClassifier_load = DBDictClassifier.load
          DBDictClassifier.load = self._fail_open_best
!         print "This test will print out an error, which can be ignored."
!             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, open_storage, (db_name, "dbm"))
              DBDictClassifier.load = DBDictClassifier_load
          if os.path.isfile(db_name):
+ class CDBStorageTestCase(_StorageTestBase):
+     StorageClass = CDBClassifier
+ class ZODBStorageTestCase(_StorageTestBase):
+     StorageClass = ZODBClassifier
  def suite():
      suite = unittest.TestSuite()
!     clses = (PickleStorageTestCase,
!              CDBStorageTestCase,
!              )
!     try:
!         import gdbm
!     except ImportError:
!         gdbm = None
!     if sys.platform != "win32" or sys.version_info > (2,3):
!         try:
!             import bsddb
!         except ImportError:
!             bsddb = None
!     else:
!         bsddb = None
!     try:
!         import bsddb3
!     except ImportError:
!         bsddb3 = None
!     if gdbm or bsddb or bsddb3:
!         clses += (DBStorageTestCase,)
!     else:
!         print "Skipping dbm tests, no dbm module available"
!     try:
!         import ZODB
!     except ImportError:
!         print "Skipping ZODB tests, ZODB not available"
!     else:
!          clses += (ZODBStorageTestCase,)
!     for cls in clses:
      return suite

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