[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs AsyncDialog.py, 1.3, 1.4

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Thu May 15 16:52:03 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv32395/dialogs

Modified Files:
Log Message:
The training dialog now shows a correct progress bar for the *complete*
operation - training *and* scoring (and saving, but that isn't accurate - 
always exactly 1 "tick" per save.

Index: AsyncDialog.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/AsyncDialog.py,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** AsyncDialog.py	7 Nov 2002 22:30:10 -0000	1.3
--- AsyncDialog.py	15 May 2003 22:52:01 -0000	1.4
*** 32,50 ****
          self.dlg = dlg
          self.stopping = False
      def set_max_ticks(self, m):
!         win32api.PostMessage(self.hprogress, commctrl.PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0,m))
!         win32api.PostMessage(self.hprogress, commctrl.PBM_SETSTEP, 1, 0)
!         win32api.PostMessage(self.hprogress, commctrl.PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0)
      def tick(self):
!         win32api.PostMessage(self.hprogress, commctrl.PBM_STEPIT, 0, 0)
!         #self.p.StepIt()
      def set_status(self, text):
!         self.dlg.progress_status = text
          win32api.PostMessage(self.hdlg, MYWM_SETSTATUS)
      def warning(self, text):
!         self.dlg.progress_warning = text
          win32api.PostMessage(self.hdlg, MYWM_SETWARNING)
      def error(self, text):
!         self.dlg.progress_error = text
          win32api.PostMessage(self.hdlg, MYWM_SETERROR)
      def request_stop(self):
--- 32,96 ----
          self.dlg = dlg
          self.stopping = False
+         self.total_control_ticks = 100
+         self.current_stage = 0
+         self.set_stages( (("", 1.0),) )
+     def set_stages(self, stages):
+         self.stages = []
+         start_pos = 0.0
+         for name, prop in stages:
+             stage = name, start_pos, prop
+             start_pos += prop
+             self.stages.append(stage)
+         assert(abs(start_pos-1.0)) < 0.001, "Proportions must add to 1.0"
+     def _next_stage(self):
+         if self.current_stage == 0:
+             win32api.PostMessage(self.hprogress, commctrl.PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0,self.total_control_ticks))
+             win32api.PostMessage(self.hprogress, commctrl.PBM_SETSTEP, 1, 0)
+             win32api.PostMessage(self.hprogress, commctrl.PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0)
+             self.current_control_tick = 0
+         self.current_stage += 1
+         assert self.current_stage <= len(self.stages)
+     def _get_current_stage(self):
+         return self.stages[self.current_stage-1]
      def set_max_ticks(self, m):
!         self._next_stage()
!         self.current_stage_tick = 0
!         self.current_stage_max = m
      def tick(self):
!         self.current_stage_tick += 1
!         # Calc how far through this stage.
!         this_prop = float(self.current_stage_tick) / self.current_stage_max
!         # How far through the total.
!         stage_name, start, end = self._get_current_stage()
!         # Calc the perc of the total control.
!         stage_name, start, prop = self._get_current_stage()
!         total_prop = start + this_prop * prop
!         # How may ticks is this on the control
!         control_tick = int(total_prop * self.total_control_ticks)
!         #print "Tick", self.current_stage_tick, "is", this_prop, "through the stage,", total_prop, "through the total - ctrl tick is", control_tick
!         while self.current_control_tick < control_tick:
!             self.current_control_tick += 1
!             #print "ticking control", self.current_control_tick
!             win32api.PostMessage(self.hprogress, commctrl.PBM_STEPIT, 0, 0)
!     def _get_stage_text(self, text):
!         stage_name, start, end = self._get_current_stage()
!         if stage_name:
!             text = stage_name + ": " + text
!         return text
      def set_status(self, text):
!         self.dlg.progress_status = self._get_stage_text(text)
          win32api.PostMessage(self.hdlg, MYWM_SETSTATUS)
      def warning(self, text):
!         self.dlg.progress_warning = self._get_stage_text(text)
          win32api.PostMessage(self.hdlg, MYWM_SETWARNING)
      def error(self, text):
!         self.dlg.progress_error = self._get_stage_text(text)
          win32api.PostMessage(self.hdlg, MYWM_SETERROR)
      def request_stop(self):
*** 113,116 ****
--- 159,167 ----
                      self.seen_finished = False
                      self.running = True
+                     # Drop my thread priority, so outlook can keep repainting
+                     # and doing its stuff without getting stressed.
+                     import win32process, win32api
+                     THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL=-1
+                     win32process.SetThreadPriority(win32api.GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL)
*** 123,124 ****
--- 174,204 ----
              t = threading.Thread(target=thread_target, args =(self.GetSafeHwnd(), _Progress(self)))
+ if __name__=='__main__':
+     # Test my "multi-stage" code
+     class HackProgress(_Progress):
+         def __init__(self): # dont use dlg
+             self.hprogress = self.hdlg = 0
+             self.dlg = None
+             self.stopping = False
+             self.total_control_ticks = 100
+             self.current_stage = 0
+             self.set_stages( (("", 1.0),) )
+     p = HackProgress()
+     p.set_max_ticks(10)
+     for i in range(10):
+         p.tick()
+     p = HackProgress()
+     stages = ("Stage 1", 0.2), ("Stage 2", 0.8)
+     p.set_stages(stages)
+     # Do stage 1
+     p.set_max_ticks(10)
+     for i in range(10):
+         p.tick()
+     # Do stage 2
+     p.set_max_ticks(1000)
+     for i in range(1000):
+         p.tick()

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