[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs AsyncDialog.py, 1.4, 1.5

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Jul 21 00:12:17 EDT 2003

[Tony Meyer]
> It doesn't seem to multiply, just ignore the '.'.  For example:
> >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, "German")
> >>> 'German_Germany.1252' s = locale.atof("3,14") s
> 3.1400000000000001
> >>> s = locale.atof("3.14")
> >>> s
> 314.0
> >>>

Damn foreigners <wink>.

If this somehow managed to be in effect while the .py files were getting
compiled, then I suppose

        stages = ("Training", .9), ("Saving", .1)

could turn into (in God's spelling)

        stages = ("Training", 9.0), ("Saving", 1.0)

but then also

        assert (abs(start_pos-1.0)) < 0.001,

would turn into

        assert (abs(start_pos-10.0)) < 1.0, \

and that still would be true (asserting 0.0 < 1.0).  So maybe it's that

        stages = ("Training", .3), ("Saving", .1), ("Scoring", .6)

turns into

        stages = ("Training", 3.0), ("Saving", 1.0), ("Scoring", 4.0)

But same thing in the end:  they sum to 10.0, and the difference is again 0.

> Back when I was playing around with locale settings & Outlook to try
> and sort out the problems there, I noticed this behaviour in code
> without the locale.atof calls as well.  I can't remember how to
> reproduce it now, though ;)  classifier.LN2 kept ending up as >0,
> though, and the call there is just "LN2 = math.log(2)".

classifier.LN2 should be > 0; log(2) ~= 0.69.

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