[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs FolderSelector.py, 1.33, 1.34

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Dec 20 00:38:52 EST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv20842

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix [ 860410 ] SpamBayes allows top-level folders to be selected, and also
prevent a single-select dialog from closing with no selection

Index: FolderSelector.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/FolderSelector.py,v
retrieving revision 1.33
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -C2 -d -r1.33 -r1.34
*** FolderSelector.py	18 Dec 2003 05:31:49 -0000	1.33
--- FolderSelector.py	20 Dec 2003 05:38:50 -0000	1.34
*** 291,294 ****
--- 291,295 ----
          self.exclude_prop_ids = exclude_prop_ids
          self.in_label_edit = False
+         self.in_check_selections_valid = False
      def CompareIDs(self, id1, id2):
*** 423,426 ****
--- 424,429 ----
                                           commctrl.TVGN_CARET, 0)
              except win32gui.error:
+                 h = 0
+             if not h: # nothing selected.
              info = self._GetTVItem(h)
*** 446,449 ****
--- 449,505 ----
          return ret, check != 0
+     def UnselectItem(self, item):
+         if self.single_select:
+             win32gui.SendMessage(self.list,
+                                  commctrl.TVM_SELECTITEM,
+                                  commctrl.TVGN_CARET, 0)
+         else:
+             mask = commctrl.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK
+             buf, extra = PackTVITEM(item[0], state, mask,
+                                     None, None, None, None, None)
+             win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_SETITEM,
+                                  0, buf)
+     def _CheckSelectionsValid(self, is_close = False):
+         if self.in_check_selections_valid:
+             return
+         self.in_check_selections_valid = True
+         try:
+             if self.single_select:
+                 if is_close:
+                     # Make sure one is selected.
+                     for ignore in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
+                         break
+                     else:
+                         self.manager.ReportInformation("You must select a folder")
+                         return False
+                 else:
+                     # In a single-select dialog, we can't stop the user selecting
+                     # a 'top-level' folder - we can only stop them closing the
+                     # dialog while it is selected.
+                     return True
+             # For a multi-select dialog, we simply un-check the existing item.
+             # For single-select, we set no item selected.
+             result_valid = True
+             for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
+                 try:
+                     folder = self.manager.message_store.GetFolder(spec.folder_id)
+                     parent = folder.GetParent()
+                     valid = parent is not None and parent.GetParent() is not None
+                 except self.manager.message_store.MsgStoreException, details:
+                     print "Eeek - couldn't get the folder to check valid"
+                     valid = False
+                 if not valid:
+                     if result_valid: # are we the first invalid?
+                         self.manager.ReportInformation(
+                             "Please select a child folder - top-level folders " \
+                             "can not be used.")
+                     self.UnselectItem(info)
+                 result_valid = result_valid and valid
+             return result_valid
+         finally:
+             self.in_check_selections_valid = False
      # Message processing
  #    def GetMessageMap(self):
*** 521,524 ****
--- 577,582 ----
              # Button clicks
              if id == win32con.IDOK:
+                 if not self._CheckSelectionsValid(True):
+                     return
                  self.selected_ids, self.checkbox_state = self.GetSelectedIDs()
                  win32gui.EndDialog(hwnd, id)
*** 527,536 ****
              elif id_name == "IDC_BUT_CLEARALL":
                  for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
!                     state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(IIL_UNCHECKED)
!                     mask = commctrl.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK
!                     buf, extra = PackTVITEM(info[0], state, mask,
!                                             None, None, None, None, None)
!                     win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_SETITEM,
!                                          0, buf)
              elif id_name == "IDC_BUT_NEW":
                  # Force a new entry in the tree at our location, and begin
--- 585,589 ----
              elif id_name == "IDC_BUT_CLEARALL":
                  for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
!                     self.UnselectItem(info)
              elif id_name == "IDC_BUT_NEW":
                  # Force a new entry in the tree at our location, and begin
*** 567,591 ****
      def _DoUpdateStatus(self, id, timeval):
!         try:
!             names = []
!             num_checked = 0
!             for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
!                 num_checked += 1
!                 if len(names) < 20:
!                     names.append(info[3])
!             status_string = "%s%s %d folder" % (self.select_desc_noun,
!                                                 self.select_desc_noun_suffix,
!                                                 num_checked)
!             if num_checked != 1:
!                 status_string += "s"
!             self.SetDlgItemText("IDC_STATUS1", status_string)
!             self.SetDlgItemText("IDC_STATUS2", "; ".join(names))
!         finally:
!             import timer
!             self.timer_id = None
!             timer.kill_timer(id)
      def _UpdateStatus(self):
          import timer
          if self.timer_id is not None:
--- 620,648 ----
      def _DoUpdateStatus(self, id, timeval):
!         import timer
!         # Kill the timer first to prevent it firing again.
!         self.timer_id = None
!         timer.kill_timer(id)
!         self._CheckSelectionsValid()
!         names = []
!         num_checked = 0
!         for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
!             num_checked += 1
!             if len(names) < 20:
!                 names.append(info[3])
!         status_string = "%s%s %d folder" % (self.select_desc_noun,
!                                             self.select_desc_noun_suffix,
!                                             num_checked)
!         if num_checked != 1:
!             status_string += "s"
!         self.SetDlgItemText("IDC_STATUS1", status_string)
!         self.SetDlgItemText("IDC_STATUS2", "; ".join(names))
      def _UpdateStatus(self):
+         # We have problems with the order of events - we get the notification
+         # events before the new states are available via GetItem.
+         # Therefore, we start a one-shot, immediate timer, which ends up
+         # at the end of the message queue, and we work.
          import timer
          if self.timer_id is not None:
*** 604,609 ****
              elif code == commctrl.NM_DBLCLK:
!                 if self.single_select: # Only close on double-click for single-select
!                     self.OnOK()
              elif code == commctrl.TVN_ITEMEXPANDING:
                  ignore, ignore, ignore, action, itemOld, itemNew = \
--- 661,668 ----
              elif code == commctrl.NM_DBLCLK:
!                 # No special dblclick handling - default behaviour is to
!                 # expand/collapse tree, and auto-closing the dialog, even
!                 # when the folder has no children, doesn't really make sense.
!                 pass
              elif code == commctrl.TVN_ITEMEXPANDING:
                  ignore, ignore, ignore, action, itemOld, itemNew = \
*** 668,671 ****
--- 727,731 ----
  def Test():
+     single_select =False
      import sys, os
      sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")))
*** 677,686 ****
      ids = [("0000","0000"),] # invalid ID for testing.
!     d=FolderSelector(0, mgr, ids, single_select = False)
      if d.DoModal() != win32con.IDOK:
          print "Cancelled"
      ids, include_sub = d.GetSelectedIDs()
!     d=FolderSelector(0, mgr, ids, single_select = False, checkbox_state = include_sub)
--- 737,746 ----
      ids = [("0000","0000"),] # invalid ID for testing.
!     d=FolderSelector(0, mgr, ids, single_select = single_select)
      if d.DoModal() != win32con.IDOK:
          print "Cancelled"
      ids, include_sub = d.GetSelectedIDs()
!     d=FolderSelector(0, mgr, ids, single_select = single_select, checkbox_state = include_sub)

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