[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs FolderSelector.py, 1.22, 1.23

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Aug 21 01:03:38 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv10150

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add a "New Folder" button (and I am sure you can guess what it does).
Jumps through a few hoops to edit the new folder name "in place" in the 

Index: FolderSelector.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/FolderSelector.py,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -C2 -d -r1.22 -r1.23
*** FolderSelector.py	11 Aug 2003 12:19:32 -0000	1.22
--- FolderSelector.py	21 Aug 2003 07:03:36 -0000	1.23
*** 57,61 ****
  ## An extended MAPI version
! from win32com.mapi import mapi
  from win32com.mapi.mapitags import *
  import pythoncom
--- 57,61 ----
  ## An extended MAPI version
! from win32com.mapi import mapi, mapiutil
  from win32com.mapi.mapitags import *
  import pythoncom
*** 171,175 ****
      return array.array("c", buf), extra
! def UnpackLVITEM(buffer):
      item_mask, item_hItem, item_state, item_stateMask, \
          item_textptr, item_cchText, item_image, item_selimage, \
--- 171,175 ----
      return array.array("c", buf), extra
! def UnpackTVItem(buffer):
      item_mask, item_hItem, item_state, item_stateMask, \
          item_textptr, item_cchText, item_image, item_selimage, \
*** 185,197 ****
          item_cChildren, item_param
! def UnpackLVNOTIFY(lparam):
      format = "iiii40s40s"
      buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(format), lparam)
      hwndFrom, id, code, action, buf_old, buf_new \
            = struct.unpack(format, buf)
!     item_old = UnpackLVITEM(buf_old)
!     item_new = UnpackLVITEM(buf_new)
      return hwndFrom, id, code, action, item_old, item_new
  ## The dialog itself
--- 185,204 ----
          item_cChildren, item_param
! def UnpackTVNOTIFY(lparam):
      format = "iiii40s40s"
      buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(format), lparam)
      hwndFrom, id, code, action, buf_old, buf_new \
            = struct.unpack(format, buf)
!     item_old = UnpackTVItem(buf_old)
!     item_new = UnpackTVItem(buf_new)
      return hwndFrom, id, code, action, item_old, item_new
+ def UnpackTVDISPINFO(lparam):
+     format = "iii40s"
+     buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(format), lparam)
+     hwndFrom, id, code, buf_item = struct.unpack(format, buf)
+     item = UnpackTVItem(buf_item)
+     return hwndFrom, id, code, item
  ## The dialog itself
*** 226,229 ****
--- 233,237 ----
          self.checkbox_text = checkbox_text or "Include &subfolders"
          self.exclude_prop_ids = exclude_prop_ids
+         self.in_label_edit = False
      def CompareIDs(self, id1, id2):
*** 245,281 ****
          return item_id
!     def _InsertSubFolders(self, hParent, folderSpec):
!         for child in folderSpec.children:
!             text = child.name
!             if child.children is None: # Need to build them!
!                 cItems = 1 # Anything > 0 will do
!             else:
!                 cItems = len(child.children)
!             if cItems==0:
!                 bitmapCol = bitmapSel = 5 # blank doc
!             else:
!                 bitmapCol = bitmapSel = 0 # folder
!             if self.single_select:
!                 mask = state = 0
!                 if (self.selected_ids and
!                         self.InIDs(child.folder_id, self.selected_ids)):
!                     state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(IIL_CHECKED)
!                 else:
!                     state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(IIL_UNCHECKED)
!                 mask = commctrl.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK
!             item_id = self._MakeItemParam(child)
!             insert_buf, extras = PackTVINSERTSTRUCT(hParent, 0,
!                                          (None,
!                                           state,
!                                           mask,
!                                           text,
!                                           bitmapCol,
!                                           bitmapSel,
!                                           cItems,
!                                           item_id))
!             hitem = win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_INSERTITEM,
!                                          0, insert_buf)
              # If this folder is in the list of ones we need to expand
              # to show pre-selected items, then force expand now.
--- 253,292 ----
          return item_id
!     def _InsertFolder(self, hParent, child, selected_ids = None, insert_after=0):
!         text = child.name
!         if child.children is None: # Need to build them!
!             cItems = 1 # Anything > 0 will do
!         else:
!             cItems = len(child.children)
!         if cItems==0:
!             bitmapCol = bitmapSel = 5 # blank doc
!         else:
!             bitmapCol = bitmapSel = 0 # folder
!         if self.single_select:
!             mask = state = 0
!         else:
!             if (selected_ids and
!                     self.InIDs(child.folder_id, selected_ids)):
!             mask = commctrl.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK
!         item_id = self._MakeItemParam(child)
!         insert_buf, extras = PackTVINSERTSTRUCT(hParent, insert_after,
!                                         (None,
!                                         state,
!                                         mask,
!                                         text,
!                                         bitmapCol,
!                                         bitmapSel,
!                                         cItems,
!                                         item_id))
!         hitem = win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_INSERTITEM,
!                                         0, insert_buf)
!         return hitem
+     def _InsertSubFolders(self, hParent, folderSpec):
+         for child in folderSpec.children:
+             hitem = self._InsertFolder(hParent, child, self.selected_ids)
              # If this folder is in the list of ones we need to expand
              # to show pre-selected items, then force expand now.
*** 305,314 ****
          return folders_to_expand
!     def _GetLVItem(self, h):
          text_buffer = "\0" * 1024
          buffer, extra = PackTVITEM(h, 0, 0, text_buffer, None, None, None, -1)
          win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_GETITEM,
                                  0, buffer.buffer_info()[0])
!         return UnpackLVITEM(buffer.tostring())
      def _YieldChildren(self, h):
--- 316,325 ----
          return folders_to_expand
!     def _GetTVItem(self, h):
          text_buffer = "\0" * 1024
          buffer, extra = PackTVITEM(h, 0, 0, text_buffer, None, None, None, -1)
          win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_GETITEM,
                                  0, buffer.buffer_info()[0])
!         return UnpackTVItem(buffer.tostring())
      def _YieldChildren(self, h):
*** 319,323 ****
              h = 0
          while h:
!             info = self._GetLVItem(h)
              item_param = info[-1]
              spec = self.item_map[item_param]
--- 330,334 ----
              h = 0
          while h:
!             info = self._GetTVItem(h)
              item_param = info[-1]
              spec = self.item_map[item_param]
*** 345,349 ****
              except win32gui.error:
!             info = self._GetLVItem(h)
              spec = self.item_map[info[7]]
              yield info, spec
--- 356,360 ----
              except win32gui.error:
!             info = self._GetTVItem(h)
              spec = self.item_map[info[7]]
              yield info, spec
*** 418,422 ****
      def OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
          import timer
--- 429,432 ----
*** 434,437 ****
--- 444,452 ----
          if code == win32con.BN_CLICKED:
+             if id in (win32con.IDOK, win32con.IDCANCEL) and self.in_label_edit:
+                 cancel = id == win32con.IDCANCEL
+                 win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW,
+                                      cancel,0)
+                 return
              # Button clicks
              if id == win32con.IDOK:
*** 448,451 ****
--- 463,496 ----
                      win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_SETITEM,
                                           0, buf)
+             elif id_name == "IDC_BUT_NEW":
+                 # Force a new entry in the tree at our location, and begin
+                 # editing.
+                 # Add the new item to the tree.
+                 h = win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_GETNEXTITEM,
+                                          commctrl.TVGN_CARET, commctrl.TVI_ROOT)
+                 parent_item = self._GetTVItem(h)
+                 if parent_item[6]==0:
+                     # eeek - parent has no existig children - say we have one
+                     # so we can be expanded.
+                     update_item, extra = PackTVITEM(h, None, None, None, None, None, 1, None)
+                     win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_SETITEM, 0, update_item)
+                 item_id = self._MakeItemParam(None)
+                 temp_spec = FolderSpec(None, "New folder")
+                 hnew = self._InsertFolder(h, temp_spec, None, commctrl.TVI_FIRST)
+                 win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, hnew)
+                 win32gui.SendMessage(self.list,
+                                      commctrl.TVM_SELECTITEM,
+                                      commctrl.TVGN_CARET, hnew)
+                 # Allow label editing
+                 s = win32api.GetWindowLong(self.list, win32con.GWL_STYLE)
+                 s |= commctrl.TVS_EDITLABELS
+                 win32api.SetWindowLong(self.list, win32con.GWL_STYLE, s)
+                 win32gui.SetFocus(self.list)
+                 self.in_label_edit = True
+                 win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_EDITLABEL, 0, hnew)
*** 493,497 ****
              elif code == commctrl.TVN_ITEMEXPANDING:
                  ignore, ignore, ignore, action, itemOld, itemNew = \
!                                             UnpackLVNOTIFY(lparam)
                  if action == 1: return 0 # contracting, not expanding
                  itemHandle = itemNew[0]
--- 538,542 ----
              elif code == commctrl.TVN_ITEMEXPANDING:
                  ignore, ignore, ignore, action, itemOld, itemNew = \
!                                             UnpackTVNOTIFY(lparam)
                  if action == 1: return 0 # contracting, not expanding
                  itemHandle = itemNew[0]
*** 503,506 ****
--- 548,595 ----
              elif code == commctrl.TVN_SELCHANGED:
+             elif code == commctrl.TVN_ENDLABELEDIT:
+                 ignore, ignore, ignore, item = UnpackTVDISPINFO(lparam)
+                 handle = item[0]
+                 stay_in_edit = False
+                 try:
+                     name = item[3]
+                     if name is None:
+                         # User cancelled folder creation - delete the item
+                         win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_DELETEITEM,
+                                              0, handle)
+                         return
+                     # Attempt to create a folder of that name.
+                     parent_handle = win32gui.SendMessage(self.list,
+                                                          commctrl.TVM_GETNEXTITEM,
+                                                          commctrl.TVGN_PARENT,
+                                                          handle)
+                     parent_item = self._GetTVItem(parent_handle)
+                     parent_spec = self.item_map[parent_item[7]]
+                     parent_folder = self.manager.message_store.GetFolder(parent_spec.folder_id)
+                     try:
+                         new_folder = parent_folder.CreateFolder(name)
+                         # Create a new FolderSpec for this folder, and stash
+                         new_spec = FolderSpec(new_folder.GetID(), name)
+                         self.item_map[item[7]] = new_spec
+                         # And update the tree with the new item
+                         buf, extra = PackTVITEM(handle, None, None, name, None, None, None, None)
+                         win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_SETITEM, 0, buf)
+                     except pythoncom.com_error, details:
+                         hr, msg, exc, arg = details
+                         if hr == mapi.MAPI_E_COLLISION:
+                             user_msg = "A folder with that name already exists"
+                         else:
+                             user_msg = "MAPI error %s" % mapiutil.GetScodeString(hr)
+                         self.manager.ReportError("Could not create the folder\r\n\r\n" + user_msg)
+                         stay_in_edit = True
+                 finally:
+                     if stay_in_edit:
+                         win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_EDITLABEL, 0, handle)
+                     else:
+                         # reset to no label edits
+                         s = win32api.GetWindowLong(self.list, win32con.GWL_STYLE)
+                         s &= ~commctrl.TVS_EDITLABELS
+                         win32api.SetWindowLong(self.list, win32con.GWL_STYLE, s)
+                         self.in_label_edit = False
  def Test():

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