[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes imapfilter.py,1.38,1.39

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Apr 28 19:01:50 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv15780

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Instead of retrieving the whole RFC822 message when we
iterate through a folder, just get the RFC822 headers, which
we can use to determine whether the message has been
trained or not.  This *might* fix the problem where messages
are being ignored on filtering.

Index: imapfilter.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/imapfilter.py,v
retrieving revision 1.38
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -C2 -d -r1.38 -r1.39
*** imapfilter.py	28 Apr 2003 14:07:18 -0000	1.38
--- imapfilter.py	29 Apr 2003 01:01:42 -0000	1.39
*** 76,89 ****
        a dummy one).  This would make it easier to carry out the tests
        against each server whenever a change is made.
-     o The RFC says that "unique identifiers persist across sessions", but
-       also that "[i]f unique identifiers from an earlier session fail to
-       persist to this session...".  This strikes me as fairly inconsistent.
-       If the uid does not persist, then we will end up re-training/filtering
-       the message, but I'm not sure what can be done about that.  There is
-       mention of the UID validity value, which each folder has.  If the uids
-       fail to persist, then this value will increase.  The RFC doesn't say
-       if this is the *only* time it will increase, though.  I'm not sure
-       if this value is of any use to us or not; it's worth keeping in mind,
-       though.
      o IMAP supports authentication via other methods than the plain-text
        password method that we are using at the moment.  Neither of the
--- 76,79 ----
*** 93,101 ****
        This might help if the username/password has special characters like
        accented characters.
-     o The code currently FETCHes the whole RFC822 message in training, even
-       if it will subsequently decide that the message has already been
-       trained (it won't then train on it, it just throws the message away).
-       This is really inefficient, and a better solution needs to be
-       developed.
      o Suggestions?
--- 83,86 ----
*** 125,128 ****
--- 110,114 ----
  import types
  import email
+ import email.Parser
  from getpass import getpass
  from email.Utils import parsedate
*** 153,156 ****
--- 139,143 ----
  RFC822_RE = re.compile(r"(RFC822) (\{[\d]+\})")
+ RFC822_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r"(RFC822.HEADER) (\{[\d]+\})")
  UID_RE = re.compile(r"(UID) ([\d]+)")
  FETCH_RESPONSE_RE = re.compile(r"([0-9]+) \(([" + \
*** 160,164 ****
  def _extract_fetch_data(response):
      '''Extract data from the response given to an IMAP FETCH command.'''
!     # response might be a tuple containing literal data
      if type(response) == types.TupleType:
          literal = response[1]
--- 147,154 ----
  def _extract_fetch_data(response):
      '''Extract data from the response given to an IMAP FETCH command.'''
!     # Response might be a tuple containing literal data
!     # At the moment, we only handle one literal per response.  This
!     # may need to be improved if our code ever asks for something
!     # more complicated (like RFC822.Header and RFC822.Body)
      if type(response) == types.TupleType:
          literal = response[1]
*** 181,186 ****
      #  RFC822
      #  UID
      # All others are ignored.
!     for r in [FLAGS_RE, INTERNALDATE_RE, RFC822_RE, UID_RE]:
          mo = r.search(response)
          if mo is not None:
--- 171,178 ----
      #  RFC822
      #  UID
+     #  RFC822.HEADER
      # All others are ignored.
!               RFC822_HEADER_RE]:
          mo = r.search(response)
          if mo is not None:
*** 254,257 ****
--- 246,251 ----
          self.folder = None
          self.previous_folder = None
+         self.rfc822_command = "RFC822.PEEK"
+         self.got_substance = False
      def setFolder(self, folder):
*** 287,290 ****
--- 281,318 ----
              return imaplib.Time2Internaldate(time.time())
+     def get_substance(self):
+         '''Retrieve the RFC822 message from the IMAP server and set as the
+         substance of this message.'''
+         if self.got_substance:
+             return
+         if self.uid is None or self.id is None:
+             print "Cannot get substance of message without an id and an UID"
+             return
+         imap.SelectFolder(self.folder.name)
+         # We really want to use RFC822.PEEK here, as that doesn't effect
+         # the status of the message.  Unfortunately, it appears that not
+         # all IMAP servers support this, even though it is in RFC1730
+         response = imap.uid("FETCH", self.uid, self.rfc822_command)
+         if response[0] != "OK":
+             self.rfc822_command = "RFC822"
+             response = imap.uid("FETCH", self.uid, self.rfc822_command)
+         self._check(response, "uid fetch")
+         data = _extract_fetch_data(response[1][0])
+         # Annoyingly, we can't just pass over the RFC822 message to an
+         # existing message object (like self) and have it parse it. So
+         # we go through the hoops of creating a new message, and then
+         # copying over all its internals.
+         new_msg = email.Parser.Parser().parsestr(data["RFC822"])
+         self._headers = new_msg._headers
+         self._unixfrom = new_msg._unixfrom
+         self._payload = new_msg._payload
+         self._charset = new_msg._charset
+         self.preamble = new_msg.preamble
+         self.epilogue = new_msg.epilogue
+         self._default_type = new_msg._default_type
+         if not self.has_key(options["pop3proxy", "mailid_header_name"]):
+             self[options["pop3proxy", "mailid_header_name"]] = self.id
+         self.got_substance = True
      def MoveTo(self, dest):
          '''Note that message should move to another folder.  No move is
*** 319,329 ****
              flags = None
-         # Once, we used the IMAP uid to keep track of messages.
-         # This fails miserably because it's only guarenteed to be unique
-         # within a particular folder.  Folders have a UID validity value,
-         # but this can change from session to session.  So we forget this
-         # imap rubbish and use our own id.
-         self[options["pop3proxy", "mailid_header_name"]] = self.id
          response = imap.append(self.folder.name, flags,
                                 msg_time, self.as_string())
--- 347,350 ----
*** 342,348 ****
          # have to use it for IMAP operations.
!         response = imap.uid("SEARCH", "HEADER",
!                             options["pop3proxy", "mailid_header_name"],
!                             self.id)
          self._check(response, 'search')
          new_id = response[1][0]
--- 363,369 ----
          # have to use it for IMAP operations.
!         response = imap.uid("SEARCH", "(UNDELETED HEADER " + \
!                             options["pop3proxy", "mailid_header_name"] + \
!                             " " + self.id + ")")
          self._check(response, 'search')
          new_id = response[1][0]
*** 366,370 ****
      def __init__(self, folder_name):
          self.name = folder_name
-         self.rfc822_command = "RFC822.PEEK"
          # Unique names for cached messages - see _generate_id below.
          self.lastBaseMessageName = ''
--- 387,390 ----
*** 409,431 ****
      def __getitem__(self, key):
!         '''Return message matching the given uid'''
!         # We really want to use RFC822.PEEK here, as that doesn't effect
!         # the status of the message.  Unfortunately, it appears that not
!         # all IMAP servers support this, even though it is in RFC1730
!         response = imap.uid("FETCH", key, self.rfc822_command)
!         if response[0] != "OK":
!             self.rfc822_command = "RFC822"
!             response = imap.uid("FETCH", key, self.rfc822_command)
!         self._check(response, "uid fetch")
          data = _extract_fetch_data(response[1][0])
-         messageText = data["RFC822"]
!         # we return an instance of *our* message class, not the
!         # raw rfc822 message
!         msg = imapmessage_from_string(messageText)
!         msg.uid = data["UID"]
!         if msg.setIdFromPayload() is None:
              # Unfortunately, we now have to re-save this message, so that
--- 429,450 ----
      def __getitem__(self, key):
!         '''Return message (no substance) matching the given uid.'''
!         # We don't retrieve the substances of the message here - you need
!         # to call msg.get_substance() to do that.
!         # Using RFC822.HEADER.LINES would be better here, but it seems
!         # that not all servers accept it, even though it is in the RFC
!         response = imap.uid("FETCH", key, "RFC822.HEADER")
!         self._check(response, "uid fetch header lines")
          data = _extract_fetch_data(response[1][0])
!         msg = IMAPMessage()
!         msg.uid = key
!         r = re.compile(re.escape(options["pop3proxy",
!                                          "mailid_header_name"]) + \
!                        "\:\s*(\d+(\-\d)?)")
!         mo = r.search(data["RFC822.HEADER"])
!         if mo is None:
              # Unfortunately, we now have to re-save this message, so that
*** 433,437 ****
--- 452,460 ----
              # it, we can't store it as a flag, because user-defined flags
              # aren't supported by all IMAP servers.
+             # This will need to be done once per message.
+             msg.get_substance()
+         else:
+             msg.setId(mo.group(1))
          return msg
*** 455,458 ****
--- 478,482 ----
          for msg in self:
              if msg.GetTrained() == (not isSpam):
+                 msg.get_substance()
                  classifier.unlearn(msg.asTokens(), not isSpam)
                  # Once the message has been untrained, it's training memory
*** 463,466 ****
--- 487,491 ----
              if msg.GetTrained() is None:
+                 msg.get_substance()
                  classifier.learn(msg.asTokens(), isSpam)
                  num_trained += 1
*** 472,475 ****
--- 497,501 ----
          for msg in self:
              if msg.GetClassification() is None:
+                 msg.get_substance()
                  (prob, clues) = classifier.spamprob(msg.asTokens(),

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