[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes HistToGNU.py,1.3,1.4

Sjoerd Mullender sjoerd@users.sourceforge.net
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 01:46:13 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv18312

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Converted \r\n line endings to \n.

Index: HistToGNU.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/HistToGNU.py,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** HistToGNU.py	24 Sep 2002 14:38:10 -0000	1.3
--- HistToGNU.py	26 Sep 2002 08:46:11 -0000	1.4
*** 1,30 ****
! #! /usr/bin/env python
! """HistToGNU.py
!     Convert saved binary pickle of histograms to gnu plot output
! Usage: %(program)s [options] [histogrampicklefile ...]
! reads pickle filename from options if not specified
! writes to stdout
- """
- globalOptions = """
- set grid
- set xtics 5
- set xrange [0.0:100.0]
- """
- dataSetOptions="smooth unique"
  from Options import options
! from TestDriver import Hist
! import sys
  import cPickle as pickle
  program = sys.argv[0]
--- 1,30 ----
! #! /usr/bin/env python
! """HistToGNU.py
!     Convert saved binary pickle of histograms to gnu plot output
! Usage: %(program)s [options] [histogrampicklefile ...]
! reads pickle filename from options if not specified
! writes to stdout
! """
! globalOptions = """
! set grid
! set xtics 5
! set xrange [0.0:100.0]
! """
! dataSetOptions="smooth unique"
  from Options import options
! from TestDriver import Hist
! import sys
  import cPickle as pickle
  program = sys.argv[0]
*** 36,67 ****
      print >> sys.stderr, __doc__ % globals()
! def loadHist(path):
!     """Load the histogram pickle object"""
!     return pickle.load(file(path))
! def outputHist(hist,f=sys.stdout):
!     """Output the Hist object to file f"""
!     for i in range(len(hist.buckets)):
!         n = hist.buckets[i]
!         if n:
!             f.write("%.3f %d\n" % ( (100.0 * i) / hist.nbuckets, n))
! def plot(files):
!     """given a list of files, create gnu-plot file"""
!     import cStringIO, os
!     cmd = cStringIO.StringIO()
!     cmd.write(globalOptions)
!     args = []
!     for file in files:
!         args.append("""'-' %s title "%s" """ % (dataSetOptions, file))
!     cmd.write('plot %s\n' % ",".join(args))
!     for file in files:
!         outputHist(loadHist(file), cmd)
!         cmd.write('e\n')
!     cmd.write('pause 100\n')
!     print cmd.getvalue()
  def main():
      import getopt
--- 36,67 ----
      print >> sys.stderr, __doc__ % globals()
! def loadHist(path):
!     """Load the histogram pickle object"""
!     return pickle.load(file(path))
! def outputHist(hist,f=sys.stdout):
!     """Output the Hist object to file f"""
!     for i in range(len(hist.buckets)):
!         n = hist.buckets[i]
!         if n:
!             f.write("%.3f %d\n" % ( (100.0 * i) / hist.nbuckets, n))
! def plot(files):
!     """given a list of files, create gnu-plot file"""
!     import cStringIO, os
!     cmd = cStringIO.StringIO()
!     cmd.write(globalOptions)
!     args = []
!     for file in files:
!         args.append("""'-' %s title "%s" """ % (dataSetOptions, file))
!     cmd.write('plot %s\n' % ",".join(args))
!     for file in files:
!         outputHist(loadHist(file), cmd)
!         cmd.write('e\n')
!     cmd.write('pause 100\n')
!     print cmd.getvalue()
  def main():
      import getopt
*** 72,87 ****
      except getopt.error, msg:
          usage(1, msg)
!     if not args and options.save_histogram_pickles:
!         args = []
!         for f in ('ham', 'spam'):
!             fname = "%s_%shist.pik" % (options.pickle_basename, f)
!             args.append(fname)
!     if args:
!         plot(args)
!     else:
!         print "could not locate any files to plot"
! if __name__ == "__main__":
!     main()
--- 72,87 ----
      except getopt.error, msg:
          usage(1, msg)
!     if not args and options.save_histogram_pickles:
!         args = []
!         for f in ('ham', 'spam'):
!             fname = "%s_%shist.pik" % (options.pickle_basename, f)
!             args.append(fname)
!     if args:
!         plot(args)
!     else:
!         print "could not locate any files to plot"
! if __name__ == "__main__":
!     main()