[spambayes-bugs] uncaptured python exception ... object has no attribute 'isClosed'

Gisli Ottarsson gisli.ottarsson at mscsoftware.com
Tue Jan 6 04:49:40 EST 2004

I have fetchmail sucking e-mail through a spambayes pop3 proxy. I am
using spambayes-1.0a7 and have tried both python 2.2 and 2.3.  The
computer is running Debian unstable.

This is working very well, except about once every 24 hours spambayes
quits with this message:

error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel
<__main__.BayesProxyListener listening :1110 at 0x83620d4>
(exceptions.IOError:[Errno 5] Input/output error
[/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/spambayes/Dibbler.py|handle_accept|280] [/usr/bin/sb_server.py|__init__|341] [/usr/bin/sb_server.py|__init__|183] [/usr/bin/sb_server.py|__init__|142])
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel <__main__.BayesProxy
connected at 0x841acac>
(exceptions.AttributeError:'_socket.socket' object has no attribute
'isClosed' [/usr/lib/python2.2/asyncore.py|poll|113]

Unfortunately I am not smart enough to decypher this.

I believe I understand the situation with fetchmail doing "TOP x
99999999" and the need for fetchall.  I think I am correctly
instructing fetchmail to fetchall.  Is there a way in which I
can be sure whether the fetchall option has kicked in?

Furthermore, note that I am using the default nokeep behavior in
fetchmail, whereby messages are deleted from the server.  When
spambayes is running, this seems to work as expected.

Apart from the once-a-day-or-so failure rate, I have not seen any
pattern.  I have wondered whether the failures might be related to
one of the following reasons:

 1) The remote pop3 server is periodically unreachable, often for
    several minutes.  Could this cause spambayes to fail?

 2) It is not clear to me what happens if fetchmail has a polling
    interval which is too short.  Could it be that fetchmail is
    kicking off a new session *before* the previous session has

Thanks for any clues.


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