[spambayes-bugs] Spambayes repeatedly classifies messages frommailing list as SPAM

Ryan Malayter rmalayter at bai.org
Wed Sep 10 14:03:44 EDT 2003

From: Tim Peters [mailto:tim.one at comcast.net] 
> Yikes!  From this line I deduce you trained 
> on about 378 *times* more ham messages than 
> spam messages. 

Wait a minute... I have trained on 6774 ham and 2771 spam. Here's what I
get when I show spam clues for a message:

word                                spamprob         #ham  #spam
'*H*'                               5.4734e-014         -      -
'*S*'                               1                   -      -

I something screwy here? I'm running 0.800.1

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