[Soap-Python] New Spyne Mailing List

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Tue May 6 01:30:38 CEST 2014

Hi All,

FYI, I just set up a new mailing list for spyne: people at spyne.io

You can use either people-subscribe at spyne.io or the mailman web 
interface (http://lists.spyne.io/listinfo/people) to subscribe.

It's a brand new mailman installation, so please let me know about any 
issues you might run into.

By the way, Spyne master branch will receive mostly bug fixes in the 
coming weeks. I hope to put something on pypi in around a month. It's 
going to be a huge (diffstat says 228 files changed, 20431 
insertions(+), 7077 deletions(-) where the whole repo is ~50kloc) yet 
fully backwards-compatible release (except bug fixes) so I may decide to 
go through a couple beta releases before making a stable 2.11 release.

I'll give more details closer to the release date.


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