[Soap-Python] suds: attribute of complex argument does not get namespace prefix

Thomas Hottendorff thomas.hottendorff at hvbo4.de
Thu Jun 12 15:31:26 CEST 2014

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I'm trying to write a saop client to connect to the mks integrity soap
interface using python 2.7.3 and suds-jurko 0.6 (or suds-03.9).

However I'm stuck now with my first example because the attributes
transactionId and ItemId that belong to the complex argument I pass on with
the method lack the required namespace prefixes (ns1:...) in my example. So,
my question is, is there a means to add these?

Here's the code I have:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
import suds
from suds.client import Client

# Send log messages to console
# Set Suds logging level to debug, outputs the SOAP messages.

# Web service
url = "http://besrv-mks01.ta.global:7001/webservices/2009/Integrity/?wsdl"
headers = dict( SOAPAction = 'action' )
client = Client(url, headers = headers)

print client

getItemType = client.factory.create('ns5:GetItemType')
getItemType.Username = "some_user"
getItemType.Password = "secret"
getItemType.InputField = [ "Story Elaboration Notes" ]
getItemType._ItemId = "1554094"
getItemType._transactionId = "?"

print getItemType

   result = client.service.getItem(getItemType)
except suds.WebFault, e:
  print e

This produces the following output:

   Username = "some_user"
   Password = "secret"
   ImpersonatedUser = None
   DateFormat = None
   DateTimeFormat = None
   _transactionId = "?"
   InputField[] =
      "Story Elaboration Notes",
   _ItemId = "1554094"
DEBUG:suds.client:sending to
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
         <arg0 transactionId="?" ItemId="1554094">    <== attributes here!
            <ns1:InputField>Story Elaboration Notes</ns1:InputField>
DEBUG:suds.client:headers = {'SOAPAction': 'action', 'Content-Type':
'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}
DEBUG:suds.client:HTTP failed - 500 - Internal Server Error:
to retrieve item null.</faultstring><detail><ns1:MKSException
class='java.lang.NullPointerException' implication='Unable to retrieve item
ERROR:suds.client:<suds.sax.document.Document instance at 0x6ffff9ee758>
Server raised fault: 'Unable to retrieve item null.'

When I manually add the namespace prefix to the attributes and submit the
request via curl, I get the expected response.

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