[Soap-Python] Add namespace to each element

John Aherne johnaherne at rocs.co.uk
Tue Jun 11 12:10:45 CEST 2013

I have been playing with simplesoap for some soap client tests.

So far no problem although it has been very simple stuff.

Now I need to do some more and since I am not too clued up on Soap I have
become stuck.

I have got a namespace that I declare as ns='jah' and it gets added to the
body elements as follows
<jah:Order xmlns="http://www.jahtest.co.uk/">

What I would like but can't seem to work out is how I get the namespace
'jah' attached to each element.

If anyone has any clues I would be very pleased.

Thanks for any help

*John Aherne*
020 7223 7567
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