[Soap-Python] Problem with spyne 2.9.3 and lxml 3.1.0

azurIt azurit at pobox.sk
Tue Feb 26 14:40:51 CET 2013

>>> Hi Azur,
>>> It's always easier to work with github gists:
>>> https://gist.github.com/plq/5037952
>>> Sorry but I can't reproduce your issue. Are you sure your spyne version
>>> is not a patched one? What's your output for the server?
>>> Best,
>>> Burak
>> I added my server result as a comment to https://gist.github.com/plq/5037952
>yes i just saw it.
>> strange you can't reproduce it, so problem will be in something else. but where?
>huh. i have no idea why it's not working. what could be different 
>between your setup and mine? what version of python is it? are you still 
>on python 2.5? my tests are done with 2.7.3 on x64 Linux. what about you?

This was python 2.6.6 on 32bit linux.

>fwiw, it's working with lxml 3.0.x as well.

It looks like my float was converted to string/unicode as there are two quotes in error message:
The value "'6000.0'" could not be validated.

So the value is '6000.0' (with quotes). Strange is that it is working fine on the same server with rpclib 2.7.0.

>the last thing you could do is to import pdb; pdb.set_trace() right 
>before the validation call and trace the execution line by line 
>(pressing s) to find any 'strangeness'.

Will try it, thank you.

>if you want a nicer debugger, do 'easy_install ipdb' and do import ipdb; 
>ipdb.set_trace() instead.
>good luck!

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