[Soap-Python] How to change the type-names of arrays in spyne

Burak Arslan burakarslan at sabanciuniv.edu
Sun Feb 17 14:19:15 CET 2013

Hi Nathan,

The issue was that you did not instantiate your classes.

Names from the spyne.model package are there just for the shows -- 
they're type markers and don't actually do much serialization, if at 
all. The following Spyne class:

class SomeObject(ComplexModel):

... is "equivalent" to the following C++ code:

struct SomeObject {
     int a;
     string b;
     vector<double> c;

So in order to use Spyne classes, you need to instantiate them, just 
like you would instantiate a C++ class. I realize that declaring classes 
like this is not the most pythonic way, but I firmly believe that 
"static typing (with declarative constraints) works wonders when your 
data comes from untrusted sources". Spyne is the result of my being 
stubborn about this opinion :) I chose to abuse Python's class 
attributes to make the class declaration as eye-pleasing as possible, 
but I admit that sometimes it comes off as a little bit weird at first. 
Hopefully it's a fair trade-off.

So anyway, please have a look at the following gist to see my changes to 
your code to make it work.


Please let me know if you have further questions.

By the way, if you do want to help, blog posts about your Spyne 
experience or pull requests for the documentation are highly 
appreciated. I try to do my best with the documentation, but first 
timers documenting their Spyne experience is very valuable and something 
I can't really do.

Thanks and best regards,

On 16/02/13 21:26, nathan at linkpos.com wrote:
> Thank you very much for your quick response.  Spyne is a great tool 
> and I appreciate you putting it together.  Unfortunately, I think 
> there must be something fundamentally wrong with the way I am using 
> Spyne with Arrays and lists.  I was not able to get your suggestions 
> to work.  So I upgraded to 2.10.0-py2.7 to see if the orginal syntax 
> would work in 2.10, but that didn't make a difference either.
> I am trying to replace a soap server interface that already exists, 
> and the clients I have are particular about the names used.
> So I have created a cut-down version of my server with a suds-type 
> client script (at the top) which I hope will help to show you what I 
> am seeing.  I am sorry to do this for two reasons:  First, it will 
> show how little I know about python/spyne, and second it is not 
> usually fun to read through other people's code.
> Problem 1 (See line 83):  I do not understand the "Array" paradigm.  
> In all the examples I looked through class members are declared like 
> this 'some_member = Array( Thing)'  but then in the function 
> definition they just assign 'x.some_member = [ a1, b2, c3 ]' because 
> this works (except for the name issue <name>Array).  To me it seems 
> like I should be able to have a member declared as an Array and then 
> in the function definition I should just be able to 'append' to that 
> member. This is probalby because I think of Arrays as python lists-- 
> and they clearly are not.
> Problem 2 (See line 108): I can not find a work around that affects 
> the type-name seen by the clients.
> I am sorry for the bother, but thank you for your patience and 
> assitance.  I think there something significant I am missing, but 
> hopefully it is some little thing.
> -Nathan
> > On 02/16/13 05:51, nathan at linkpos.com wrote:
> >>
> >> Does anyone have an example of creating and Iterable, or Array as part
> >> of the response where the name is changed to something else?
> >>
> >
> > Hi Nathan,
> >
> > Normally, Array(String, type_name='ArrayOfString') should work, but it
> > doesn't. I've fixed this in the trunk and the fix will ship in 2.10.0.
> >
> > As a workaround, you can do this:
> >
> > ArrayOfTicketList = Array(TicketList)
> > ArrayOfTicketList.__type_name__ = 'ArrayOfTicketList'
> >
> > ... and use ArrayOfTicketList in class and function definitions instead.
> >
> > Does that help?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Burak
> >
> >
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