[Soap-Python] How to change the type-names of arrays in spyne

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Sat Feb 16 15:11:08 CET 2013

On 02/16/13 05:51, nathan at linkpos.com wrote:
> Does anyone have an example of creating and Iterable, or Array as part 
> of the response where the name is changed to something else?

Hi Nathan,

Normally, Array(String, type_name='ArrayOfString') should work, but it 
doesn't. I've fixed this in the trunk and the fix will ship in 2.10.0.

As a workaround, you can do this:

ArrayOfTicketList = Array(TicketList)
ArrayOfTicketList.__type_name__ = 'ArrayOfTicketList'

... and use ArrayOfTicketList in class and function definitions instead.

Does that help?

Best regards,

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