[Soap-Python] WS-Security with certificates?

Dariusz Suchojad dsuch at gefira.pl
Tue Nov 20 20:30:35 CET 2012

Israel Brewster wrote:
> Any other thoughts/solutions to this particular issue?

In one project, I worked around all the issues related to various xmlsec 
bindings by simply invoking xmlsec1 in a subprocess whenever it was 
needed, which meant signature verification and decryption in that case.

Wrapped in a convenient API the whole thing simply exposed two methods, 
think def verify(self, xml) and def decrypt(self, xml).

I wasn't particularly concerned about the performance penalty of an 
additional one tenth of a second because it was part of a bigger SAML2 
exchange which already took some 10 or 12 seconds to complete due to a 
sleepy IdP. Besides, it wasn't invoked more than several hundred times a 

I can't say I was overly happy that I had to do it that way but having 
spent several days on various other cleaner approaches, I did welcome 
the only working one without further complaints.


Dariusz Suchojad

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