[Soap-Python] Complex types with quirks, declaring them in rpclib

Alex ralienpp at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 23:15:33 CET 2012


I am going to try to create a basic service, after that I'll be able
to understand better how the sources work. Until then I have
insufficient competence to decide which of the solutions you suggested
is better.

My hunch is that it is better to alter the XML schema generation
mechanism such that it generates the schema I want, instead of turning
off validation or using soft validation (because I will lose all the
checks that lxml would otherwise do for me) and parsing the string
myself at a higher level.

I've used XPath and I even made some screencasts about it:

I think it would be great if we could make such screencasts about
rpclib, that would definitely make it more accessible to inexperienced
folks such as myself.

My current priority is to focus on the creation of these custom
classes, but I will happily accept to work on the video tutorials or
write more documentation, if someone else can help me by creating
those classes (assuming that they're relatively easy to implement for
someone familiar with the intimate details of rpclib).


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