[Soap-Python] Complex types with quirks, declaring them in rpclib

Alex Railean ralienpp at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 14:52:44 CET 2012


>> (3) 'use="required"' - the 'use' attribute is not declared in the
>> ...
> No, it isn't there. I actually didn't know about this. Why not just use
> min_occurs=1 ?
I think "use" is for attributes, whereas "min_occurs" is for elements.

I've done some digging in complex.py and I saw that the XmlAttribute
class has a describe() function that does look for a "use" argument.
Is this not the solution?

> class DigestAlgAndValueType(ComplexModel):
>      DigestMethod = DigestMethodType
>      DigestValue = DigestValueType.customize(min_occurs=1)
The call to customize() returns an object of DigestValueType and
overrides the min_occurs property with 1, right?

Why not just declare DigestValueType with min_occurs=1 from the very

>> <xs:complexType name="DataType">
>>       <xs:simpleContent>
>>               <xs:extension base="xs:string">
>>                       <xs:attribute name="MimeType" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
>>                       <xs:attribute name="Encoding" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
>>               </xs:extension>
>>       </xs:simpleContent>
>> </xs:complexType>
> You can't. Rpclib only supports simpleType extension via restrictions,
> not attributes.
Ok, I will try to simplify the problem then.  Since those who will use
my server already have the WSDL, it is not critical for me to be able
to produce a WSDL that looks exactly like the one given in the

However, it is critical for me to be able to receive such a request
and be able to handle it.

If I create a custom type like this, will it do the trick?

class DataType(ComplexModel):
    class Attributes(ComplexModel.Attributes):
        MimeType = XmlAttribute(String, use = 'optional')
        Encoding = XmlAttribute(String, use = 'optional')

>> (2) how does rpclib handle 'namespace="##other"'?
> Rpclib can't generate this schema, you'd have to come up with a patch to
> the xml schema implementation that actually emits an <any/> tag.
I've examined the source and this seems to be the place to tinker
with:  src\rpclib\interface\xml_schema\model\complex.py

But besides generating such a schema, there must also be a way to
represent such a structure in the custom type definition, which
happens here: rpclib\src\rpclib\model\complex.py

Can you confirm that this is the case?

In addition to that, it would be great if you could offer some
tips about implementing this. I am not yet familiar enough with the
guts of rpclib to be able to make such fundamental changes.


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