[Soap-Python] gist: 1242760 Unable to run with Django

Michael Wood esiotrot at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 12:31:26 CET 2012

On 14 March 2012 13:11, azurIt <azurit at pobox.sk> wrote:
>>That's not quite true.
>>Using WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} is one possible solution, but it
>>can also cause problems.
> What problems?

See this for example:


>>Another possible solution is to use WSGIDaemonProcess as mentioned in
>>the article that Burak linked to.
> This is not true. You have to use %{GLOBAL} also when using WSGIDaemonProcess. If you are running several applications using lxml, create several WSGI processes (one per app).

OK, it seems you would need WSGIApplicationGroup (but it's not clear
to me that it MUST be %{GLOBAL}).

Michael Wood <esiotrot at gmail.com>

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