[Soap-Python] Spyne and the basic use of Arrays

Alex Railean ralienpp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 20:39:14 CEST 2012

Hi, thank you for the help

> result.results.append(resultElement)
I tried that as well, but this doesn't work:

(Pdb) result.results.append(resultElement)
*** AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'

Here's some additional info about what I have:

(Pdb)  resultElement
SearchResult(after=None, certificate=None, serialNumber=None,
 certificatePolicy=None, subjectName='dummy', before=None)
(Pdb)  result
(Pdb)  result.results

You can see that the type or resultEment is correct, and so is the
type of result.

result.results is of type None, whereas I expected it to be of type
Array, or something along those lines.

I thought maybe I need to manually create result.results, so I did

(Pdb) res = Array(SearchResult)
(Pdb) res
<class 'spyne.model.complex.Array'>
(Pdb) res.append(resultElement)
*** AttributeError: type object 'Array' has no attribute 'append'

But that doesn't work either.

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