[Soap-Python] Spyne and the basic use of Arrays

Alex Railean ralienpp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 17:56:38 CEST 2012


I am having a hard time figuring out how to use arrays in Spyne.

Here are my data type definitions:

class SearchResult(ComplexModel):
  """A search result returned by LDAP"""
  subjectName = Unicode(min_occurs = 1, nillable = False)
  serialNumber = Unicode(min_occurs = 1, nillable = False)
  before = Date(min_occurs = 1, nillable = False)
  after = Date(min_occurs = 1, nillable = False)
  subjectAltName = TypeSubjectAltName(min_occurs = 1, nillable = False)
  certificatePolicy = Unicode(min_occurs = 1, nillable = False) #oid
  certificate = ByteArray(default = None)

class DSearchResponse(ComplexModel):
  results = Array(SearchResult)

I receive a request with some search criteria, retrieve the results
from an LDAP server, then return the response via SOAP/XML.

A result can be a single entry, or a list of entries - thus I created
a type called SearchResult (for one entry), and set the return type of
my service method to a type that contains an array of SearchResult

This is what the service looks like:
class DSearchService(ServiceBase):
  @srpc(DSearchRequest, _returns = DSearchResponse)
  def Search(request):
     result = DSearchResponse()
     resultElement = SearchResult()
     resultElement.subjectName = 'dummy'

     result.append(resultElement)   # <--- ouch!
     return result

My understanding is that the Array type behaves like a list, so I
attempt to use it like one - but that results in an error.

I have reviewed the documentation and didn't find a sample that could
show me how to add elements to an array. The UserManager sample seems
to be close, because it does define `permissions` as
`Array(Permission)` - but the sample itself does not contain an
example of how to add a permission to the list.

Burak, can you offer some hints, or some examples of using arrays?


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