[Soap-Python] Use different namespace to Authentication Model

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Aug 10 18:34:29 CEST 2012

Gabriel Monnerat wrote at 2012-8-10 10:21 +0200:
>I am trying use the WSSE namespace for my Authentication model. But I have
>one exception when I am trying instantiate the Client. i.e
>gabriel:~$ python
> ...
>line 725, in resolveheaders
>Exception: message's0:Security', not-found

It looks as if "suds" where unable to resolve "s0:Security" in
the WSDL description. This may be the fault of "suds" or that
of the WSDL description. Thus, check the WSDL description whether
it contains the relevant information to resolve "s0:Security".


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