[Soap-Python] Introducing pyws

Степан Корняков me at stepank.name
Wed Nov 9 12:34:14 CET 2011

Hello, Everybody!

Those of you who follow the news about new packages on PyPI might have
noticed the recent appearance of a new library for creating SOAP
servers, it is called pyws and I'm its developer. I would like to
introduce it in this mailing list - https://github.com/stepank/pyws .
The main idea is to let developers completely forget about SOAP itself
and make creating of APIs fast and painless.

I've finnaly released (under MIT) the first stable version 1.0,
documentation can be found at
http://stepank.github.com/pyws/1.0/index.html , the package is
available for download and install at PyPI -
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyws .

Common features:
- a web framework agnostic server,
- an adapter for Django,
- protocols: SOAP 1.1, REST, JSON,
- context handling & authentication framework,
- a simple types description system.

SOAP specific features:
- request, response, exceptions,
- automatic generation of WSDL 1.1 service description, including
headers and exceptions,
- simple types handling: integer, float, string, date, datetime,
- complex types handling: dict, list (nested structures of any depth
are allowed),
- integration tests: PHP, Java (Axis 1.4), Python (suds), WS-I Basic
Profile 1.2.

Any comments, suggestions etc would be of great value, so feel free to
contact me via e-mail stepankk at gmail.com. I hope this library will be
helpful for developers and am going to develop it further to make it
better. I am subsribed to soap at python.org and would like to
participate in any discussion concerning pyws.

Best regards, Stepan Kornyakov.

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