[Soap-Python] soaplib: Some additional hooks for header processing (aka ws-security, etc.)

Ernesto Revilla Derksen erevilla at yaco.es
Fri May 27 00:16:56 CEST 2011


First of all, you're doing a great work with soaplib!!!

I was just running the debugger to see how soaplibs treats the headers.

In soaplib/core/_base.py:decompose_incoming_envelope (near line 335), we get
the header & body parsed. Fine!

But just below, there is no self.validateHeader or self.checkHeader. So the
body is validated before (!) any headers can be validades. Could there be a

In method deserialize_soap (lines 406-417):
            # decode header object
            if (ctx.in_header_xml is not None and
                len(ctx.in_header_xml) > 0 and
                header_class is not None):
                ctx.service.in_header =

how do IN-wrappers supposed to work? could you give an example?

In process_request (line 436):

the header is NOT sent to the service hook

As I can see (and sure that I'm wrong), I have the following alternatives of
processing SOAP headers:
 - using IN-wrappers:
 - override Application object customizing one of:
   - deserialize_soap (says: not meant to be override!)
   - decompose_incoming_envelope
   - process_request (says: not meant to be override!)

Where would be the best place to implement header checking? (e.g. security=

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

Ernesto Revilla
Yaco Sistemas
+34 954 500 057
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