[Soap-Python] Soaplib beat1 released into the wild

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 00:41:05 CET 2011

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 5:26 PM, Ovnicraft <ovnicraft at gmail.com> wrote:
>> +The soaplib client has been re-written after having been dropped from
>> recent releases. It follows the suds API but is based on lxml for
>> better performance. WARNING: the soaplib client is not well-tested and
>> future support is tentative dependent on community response.   It's
>> current location is in a seperate repo at
>> https://github.com/soaplib/soaplib.client
> Believe in suds. IMHO more effort can applied in soaplib as server

We agree, and don't have time to support the soaplib client, but
didn't want to throw it away in case anyone else wanted to work on it.
Burak introduced it along the way but is no longer available to
support it.  It wasn't passing tests in the soaplib package, so we
split it out into a separate package (soaplib.client) where anyone is
welcome to come along and become the new maintainer...or not.

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