[Soap-Python] [Fedora-suds-list] python webservice SUDS soapheader

贾晓磊 jiaxiaolei19871112 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 01:42:27 CET 2011

Hi, Dave:

Thanks very much for your reply.

With your help, the code is okay now. Thanks

def test_sms10():
    #NOTE: method 2:
    #1: import a encode
    from suds.xsd.doctor import ImportDoctor, Import
    imp = Import('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/')
    d = ImportDoctor(imp)

    #1: set the logging
    import logging

    # 3: construt client
    url = ""
    client =

    # step 4: create the header
    from suds.sax.element import Element
    from suds.sax.attribute import Attribute
    code = Element('serviceCode').setText('PABB4BEIJING')
    pwd = Element('servicePwd').setText('QWERTPABB')
    header_list = [code, pwd]
    # 1
    # use insert:  it's okay
    #reqsoapheader = Element('ReqSOAPHeader').insert(code)
    # use child: okay
    reqsoapheader = Element('ReqSOAPHeader')

    reqsoap_attribute = Attribute('xmlns', "
    reqsoap_attribute2 = Attribute('actor', "
    reqsoap_attribute3 = Attribute('mustUnderstand', "0")


    # setp 5: provide the parameters
    item1 =
this is just a test. you can ignore it. --jiaxiaolei'}"
    item2 =
this is just a test. you can ignore it. --jiaxiaolei'}"
    req = [item1, item2]
    aoss = client.factory.create('ArrayOf_soapenc_string')
    aoss.item = req
    print 'client', client
    output = client.service.sendMt(aoss)
    print 'SOAP Request:\n', client.last_sent(), '\n'
    print 'SOAP Response:\n', client.last_received(), '\n'
    print 'the return: \n', output, '\n'

# output:
SOAP Request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="service.global.v1_0.wsdl.protocol.xxt"
xmlns:ns1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="
      <ReqSOAPHeader xmlns="http://common.v1_0.obj.protocol.xxt" actor="
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next" mustUnderstand="0">
         <mtInfo xsi:type="ArrayOf_soapenc_string">
this is just a test. you can ignore it. --jiaxiaolei&apos;}</item>
this is just a test. you can ignore it. --jiaxiaolei&apos;}</item>

SOAP Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <ns1:sendMtResponse soapenv:encodingStyle="
         <sendMtReturn xsi:type="soapenc:string">1</sendMtReturn>

the return:
(200, 1)

In actual fact, "you just forgot to add the servicePwd element to the
ReqSOAPHeader element."
, i had try to add pwd in the code as follows, but failed.

 code = Element('ReqSOAPHeader').insert(code)
 pwd = Element('ReqSOAPHeader').insert(pwd)
 reqsoapheaders  = [code, pwd]
 for seqsoapheader in  reqsoapheaders:
    reqsoap_attribute = Attribute('xmlns', "http://schemas.acme.eu/")

Now, I certainly know why it's failed. I did not know the thing the method
does in bottom layer. In fact, all the methods such as "insert, append" are
modify the xml .

Thanks again!

-- Jia Xiaolei

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 10:09 PM, Dave Bonner <dbonner at cogolabs.com> wrote:

> Unless I'm misreading, you've almost got it.  In the chunk below, you just
> forgot to add the servicePwd element to the ReqSOAPHeader element.
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 1:22 AM, 贾晓磊 <jiaxiaolei19871112 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >     from suds.sax.element import Element
> >     from suds.sax.attribute import Attribute
> >     code = Element('serviceCode').setText('PABB4BEIJING')
> >     pwd = Element('servicePwd').setText('QWERTPABB')
> >     reqsoapheader = Element('ReqSOAPHeader').insert(code)
>        reqsoapheader.insert(pwd)
> >     reqsoap_attribute = Attribute('xmlns', "http://schemas.acme.eu/")
> >     reqsoapheader.append(reqsoap_attribute)
> >     client.set_options(soapheaders=reqsoapheader)
> It's probably a little cleaner to do it like this, though:
>     code = Element('serviceCode').setText('PABB4BEIJING')
>     pwd = Element('servicePwd').setText('QWERTPABB')
>     reqsoapheader = Element('ReqSOAPHeader')
>     reqsoapheader.children = [code, pwd]
> --
> david bonner // dbonner at cogolabs.com

NAME: 贾晓磊/Jia Xiaolei
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