[Soap-Python] Stubbing an existing webservice

Raphaël Barrois raphael.barrois at polyconseil.fr
Fri Apr 29 18:54:09 CEST 2011


I'm trying to stub an existing webservice in order to test my application without having to connect to the remote server.
Ideally, I would like to run a Python server, in order to be able to properly handle the values returned by the stub depending on my test fixtures.

The only tool I have found so far is soapUI, but it's Java code, and doesn't seem to allow for an automated definition of test cases.

Would this be possible with soaplib (maybe using suds for parsing the remote WSDL ?)

Please let me know if you have any suggestions on that topic ; depending on the amount of work required, I think I can add that code to soaplib as well (I think most of the required work would be to find the adequate parameters to fill in the services definitions in order to have soaplib generate exactly the same WSDL as the stubbed one).

Raphaël Barrois

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