[Soap-Python] Django and soaplib

Alessandro Ronchi alessandro.ronchi at soasi.com
Tue Sep 7 12:49:37 CEST 2010

Hi to all.
I'm new for this list.

I'm trying to make a soap service with soaplib and django, and I've no
problem with soapui and suds client, but perl doesn't parse correctly my
wsdl. I need to use it inside a webgui asset.

my $soap = new SOAP::Lite->service("");
my $return = $soap->get_product(
    SOAP::Data->name(object_id => '15'),

I'm using soaplib 0.8.2 alpha from

I've used that version because I didn't find any documentation that explains
how to use the 0.9.x alpha version, if it's possible.

the call sends only the second parameter to my app.

this is my WSDL:

do you know any solution?

Thanks in advance, best regards.

Alessandro Ronchi

Hobby & Giochi
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