[Soap-Python] suds doesn't work w/soaplib

Jim Pharis binbrain at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 18:11:50 CET 2010

Interesting. It looks like you get different results with suds if you pass
params right to the service vs creating the complextType with the
factory.create method. The params are actually being passed now. Am I
creating my complexType wrong or something...

No suds factory

'<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="HelloWorldService.HelloWorldService"
ttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="
.org/soap/envelope/">\n   <SOAP-ENV:Header/>\n   <SOAP-ENV:Body>\n
_hello>\n         <name>punk</name>\n         <times>2</times>\n
hello>\n   </SOAP-ENV:Body>\n</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>'

Using suds factory create

'<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="HelloWorldService.HelloWorldService"
ttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="
.org/soap/envelope/">\n   <SOAP-ENV:Header/>\n   <SOAP-ENV:Body>\n
_hello>\n         <name>\n            <name>Punk</name>\n
imes>\n         </name>\n         <times/>\n      </ns0:say_hello>\n

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Burak Arslan
<burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr>wrote:

> On 03/24/10 17:13, Jim Pharis wrote:
>> Hey Burak, thanks for the feedback. Can you provide a simple working
>> client to give me something to go on? Do you have to do anything special on
>> the suds side to work with soaplib, or is it working right out of the box
>> for you without any special modifications or considerations?
> here's a sample (yes, just 3 lines):
> ===========
> from suds.client import Client
> client= Client("http://localhost:7789/?wsdl")
> print client.service.say_hello("punk",5)
> ===========
> here's the output:
> No handlers could be found for logger "suds.umx.typed"
> (stringArray){
>   _type = "tns:stringArray"
>   string[] =
>      "Hello, punk",
>      "Hello, punk",
>      "Hello, punk",
>      "Hello, punk",
>      "Hello, punk",
>  }
> hth
> burak

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Burak Arslan
<burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr>wrote:

> On 03/24/10 16:57, Jim Pharis wrote:
>> So perhaps I'll ask a more general question that might raise some
>> eyebrows. Why don't suds and soaplib work together?
> they do, many of us are using them together. however if you think you've
> found a glitch, patches to the one or both of the packages would be welcome.
> burak
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