[Soap-Python] The Python SOAP community: past, present, future

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Mon Mar 1 12:50:18 CET 2010

Hello there,

First, I'd like to thank Brad for his efforts, i think the python soap 
community long needed this.

Brad Allen wrote:
> I'd like to start by asking whether anyone here can help piece
> together the story of the various Python SOAP frameworks: how did each
> of them come about, what niche is each serving today, which is still
> actively maintained, and does anyone have in mind specific future
> directions for these frameworks?

I'm using soaplib as a soap server and suds as a soap client. I'm 
inclined to say that both are mature projects, and I have them running 
in production (with a few small patches).

I heard about zsi and soappy, and also that twisted has some form of 
soap support via soappy.

Here are two proposed feature directions that, imho, the unified python 
soap (tups for short?) community should consider.

1) The code that performs the (de-)serialization between native python 
objects and soap xml documents, with the wsdl machinery that goes along 
with it, should be separated and organized under a new package. I'm 
imagining a SoapService object that can get its data (service 
definitions) from both suds-like parse-the-wsdl way, or the soaplib-like 
define-the-services-and-objects way.

2) the client/server logic should live outside this effort.

awaiting your feedback,

best regards,

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