[Soap-Python] A new SOAP library for Python: pysimplesoap

Mariano Reingart reingart at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 07:08:12 CEST 2010

Just released PySimpleSOAP, a webservice python library:


It intends to be a very simple but functional (and adaptable)
implementation, so WSDL (service description) is not required at all,
as type conversion can be done dynamically, providing a custom XML
manipulation class (SimpleXMLElement) to easily work with requests and

Client has almost 2 years of development (tested against Java Axis,
.NET 2.0, JBoss enviroments), but server is a experimental
proof-of-concept (with a web2py patch to enable SOAP services).

In the wiki pages you can found further information, source code and examples.

Please let me know what you think,

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

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