[Soap-Python] soaplib document/literal

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Dec 3 08:36:23 CET 2010

voloviny wrote at 2010-12-1 15:43 +0100:
>soaplib generates wsdl with style and encoding specified as document/literal

SOAP supports various interaction styles: e.g. "literal" and "rpc".

All web services I have seen so far (not that many) use
"literal" even when they intend "rpc" usage.

>soaplib successfully accepts document/literal messages

I highly expect that all clients will do that -- as it is apparently
the standard way.
The server will when the WSDL tells you it should.

>soaplib generates messages with type attribute (document/encoded)

When I understand this correctly (I have never seen "document/encoded"
in a message) than this specifies how values are encoded.
The default is the encoding specified in connection with XML-Schema.

I highly expect that "soaplib" will use the standard encoding.
Again, all clients should understand it.

>so what style and encoding is soaplib using?

The ones, the generated WSDL tells you it is using ;-)

>am i missing something?

I have the feeling that you are interested in implementation details.

You might switch focus and ask questions of the form:
do the clients I want (or have) to support understand the generated
WSDL and can use the corresponding services.

As mentioned above, it is highly unlikely that problems
will arise from the style or encoding "soaplib" is using.

Implementation details can also be interesting -- once you have
a deep understanding...


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