[Soap-Python] soaplib: WSDL -> Python mapping issues

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Thu Dec 2 07:56:44 CET 2010

Tres Seaver wrote at 2010-12-1 07:12 -0500:
> ...
>Has anyone run into similar issues trying to implement a "fixed" WSDL
>specification with soaplib?  I know that ZSI had support for generating
>both client and server stubs from a given WSDL document -- perhaps I
>need to use ZSI instead.

Should you be unable to solve the problem with "soaplib", then
maybe "dm.zope.wsdl_suds" might be helpful.

It is using "suds" for the "python <-> XML-schema" conversions
and Zope[2] as application server.


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